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The original was posted on /r/anime by /u/new_interest_here on 2024-09-17 21:54:23+00:00.

Considering we’re nearing the end of the season, I figured I’d ask. Overall, according to my personal experiences, this season was pretty solid. Everything has at least a few qualities I liked about it. But there’s still bound to be shows that don’t meet expectations.

For me it was Narenare. Looking at the PVs and look of the show, I could feel an emotional snd hard hitting show coming…but no. The plot doesn’t know what to do half the damn time (like I could not tell you what this show is about 100% accurately) there’s no real direction, the characters don’t really get fleshed out and when they do it’s not much, and conflicts just feel dumb a lot of the time. Like Anna, Kanata just did cheer solo because she felt bad over not being able to help people, not arson. I’d also like to add we’ve got one episode left and we still don’t know what thay scene of Shion and Suzuha at the springs was about. Never mind, we do, I’m just dumb

But anyway, I want y’alls opinions because I’m curious (I’m expecting a lot of Kami no Tou S2s)