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The original was posted on /r/arizona by /u/UltraNoahXV on 2024-09-17 16:14:51+00:00.

Hey everyone! Since it’s National Registration Day, I wanted to share some links from my guide on where to go to register to vote for the upcoming election.

  • ADOT - the fastest way to register to vote, as well as renew licenses, registrations, titles, etc. Anything that you may have forgotten over the years or you may have just moved, this is where you should go.
  • EAC: the main portal from the Election Assistance Committee
  • Check your registration after voting, as you can get purged from political parties or may have been purged already.
  • Secretary of State Instructions - Instructions directly from the Secretary of State
  • Federal Registration - Mostly for anyone who isn’t a natural born citizen or immigrating from other countries
  • DMV if you are moving into the state or are encouraging people to vote in their state.
  • ASA: The Arizona Student Association has been traveling across the state at local colleges and universities. They have forms that can they can fill out if you or your child is attending college; very useful if they are fron out of state


  • If you see a PAC that is set up in some way, shape, or form that is giving some indication that you can register through them to vote, IGNORE THEM and REPORT. Either to the secretary of state or the attorney general - it’s fraud.
  • Never give out important information such as your Social Security, I.D, Passport, etc. Common knowledge, but especially since we’re in a digital era, it’s very easy to fall prey.
  • When in doubt, it’s okay to fill out a form physically and send it to the appropriate sources listed above, as well as your local county’s office if you are not comfortable registering electronically.

Anything change since the last time I voted or registered that could affect my ability to register?