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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Dense_Document9802 on 2024-09-18 00:15:02+00:00.

Several years ago I joined an LDS dating group on Facebook. Alas my singleness has lasted longer than my faith and I was still in this group as of yesterday, though after losing my faith in the church, was there mostly for the entertainment.

Someone posted a Packer quote from 1996 about the dangers of the gay/lesbian agenda as well as feminist movement and was asking for opinions. Usually I try to just scroll on past the problematic stuff, but the number of comments praising the sentiments in the quote were too much (the last couple years I’ve been trying to be better at being an ally and calling out homophobia when I see it). I gave my unfiltered opinion that the quote was one of his more hateful and bigoted efforts.

When asked by one of the group admins to clarify what I found bigoted, I explained exactly that I see no “danger” in gay people wanting marriage equality or women wanting equal employment opportunities. To claim these as dangerous movements was baseless fear mongering by Packer and thus bigoted.

I got booted from the group with no explanation. I guess they really need that LDS echo chamber to stay intact. I haven’t been exed from the church nor have I removed my records. But I’ll take the banishment from this FB group as an exmo badge of courage, haha.