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The original was posted on /r/rust by /u/bmitc on 2024-09-17 18:19:24+00:00.

Hello all. I am trying to understand the state of the art in Rust for running Rust code in low-SWAP constrained environments, such as embedded systems in general and in particular running on space satellites. I am actually unexperienced in this particular area (space satellites), but it is possible that in the next one to three years, a project may arise where I have some input as to the software integration of a space payload. Thus, I want to be prepared by both learning Rust and understanding its status in this area.

  1. Is there anyone already doing this?
  2. Are there any certifications or standardizations that Rust has already or has not implemented for these type of environments? (As I said, I am unfamiliar with the space, but I imagine there are such things.)
  3. Any pointers to specific features of Rust that are turned off for performing real-time (hard real-time as much as a piece of software can guarantee)?
  4. Any general guidance or references?

Thank you!