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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Extension_Bit4323 on 2024-09-18 20:52:09+00:00.

Me (27) Was woken up today by drilling and went downstairs and saw two guys with a ladder drilling the wall in the corridor between the back door and the garage door. I didn’t know what they were doing but when I came back one of them asked if the front light needed doing or not and I said I didn’t know. I just assumed that step dad had arranged for them to come round.

My brother (29) was here too and he must’ve let them in. I didn’t ask him who they were and since he didn’t have a problem I assumed he knew about them. So I went back upstairs and then took a nap.

Later around 5pm mom came back from work and asked why was the kitchen floor was dirty and I told them some guys were doing something with the lights. She was confused cos she said she didn’t know anything about anyone coming to do work today. I said I assumed step dad had arranged them.

Then step dad came back from work and he didn’t know about them either. So according to everyone there was just two random guys with a ladder and a drill replacing the lights in our house or something.

Step dad asked why didn’t I phone him cos I’m always on my phone and I said I guessed you knew about them and brother was here too and spoke to them so I thought he knew about them too. He said we didn’t have half a brain between us and mom said they could’ve been burglars or anyone and we just left them to it.

They could’ve gotten my house and neighbours house opposite mixed up cos the way my street is both houses are number 46 but the street name changes on the bend so I’m always telling delivery people and other people that come to my house that they’re looking for that house opposite.

TL DR - two guys were in my house that me and brother were aware of but none of us thought to ask them what they were doing or if they were in the right house. Step dad and mom didn’t know about them either.