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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/CommercialUnhappy357 on 2024-09-18 20:45:30+00:00.

Sharing my experience of living in a haunted flat. Built in the late 1800’s, the kind of three storey house that was eventually split into separate flats. First day we moved in, my partner was unfortunately admitted into hospital so I stayed there alone for the first 2 weeks. One of the first few nights I was there, I was laying in bed one night and a large lampshade hung right above the bed. All of a sudden, something smacked the lampshade and it started swinging about. I actually heard the force of the smack, and sat there watching it swing about above me. I didn’t initially tell my partner about this because I didn’t think he would believe me. But when he got home, more things started to happen. It would only ever stay in the main bedroom, and we grew to realise that it didn’t like us staying in bed too long in the morning or if the room was untidy. When we did try to have a lie in, you would hear its footsteps enter the room and start to move about, it still had very old wooden flooring so it was very easy to hear it moving. The more you tried to ignore it, the more it would start pacing about. One time we heard the footsteps move to my side of the bed, then it paced all the way down to the bottom, along and then up to my partners side where it stopped. Another time, when I was trying to ignore it, it pushed a pile of papers off the desk and the flew all over the floor. Again you could actually see and hear the force of the papers being pushed off. We grew to understand though if we got up and left the room when we started to hear it move around, if we came back in about 5 minutes later it was gone. We only lived there about a year, it only ever stayed in that room and we both had a feeling that it wasn’t there to harm us so we never felt overly scared of it. When it came to the day we were moving out, the aura of the flat felt very off, it wasn’t until that day that it felt haunted.