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The original was posted on /r/fortcollins by /u/Upbeat3508 on 2024-09-19 06:59:22+00:00.


FOR BUSINESSES CONSIDERING MADWIRE: Just don’t. You would be better off a.) Taking the time to learn whatever you need & save yourself a headache. b.) Finding another local marketing agency to give your money and time to. I stand firmly on not screwing others over to get ahead. Madwire PRICE GOUGES everything and anything. They charged an account more for having to do a couple of marketing things in Spanish, which they just used AI for. AI writes MAJORITY if not all blogs, social posts, website material, account marketing plans, and even the responses to business page reviews… just to name a few things. The majority of employees are treated horribly. The design department was dissolved and forced to start helping “write” all content. Which was hard for that team as they were all passionate about designing. (Duh, that’s why they applied for a job in design) They were given the ultimatum to either move to a different department and “write” content or be unemployed. A similar thing happened to the Ad Specialists (go to another department that is polar opposite from the job you applied for or be unemployed). The Billing department is now down to only one person, the rest AI handles, and you guessed it, they were all forced to go to some other department or be unemployed. The departments that are “safe” from dissolvement are barely standing, understaffed, and burned out. Long story short, as a consumer, you should know they don’t care about humans.

Please do your research before signing any contracts with them. If you google Madwire LAWSUITS, you will most likely not give them your business. And truly, please don’t. I’m not sure how this company has not been shut down yet. They are really good at hiding their tracks. Google reviews and Facebook reviews are both disabled to keep the truth from coming out. Even Glassdoor and Indeed reviews are highly monitored, and any negative reviews are taken down.

FOR THOSE CONSIDERING EMPLOYMENT: Please don’t. You’re better off selling feet pictures. Don’t buy into the “unlimited PTO” and “we’re a company you can trust.”

This job is good for someone who doesn’t want to be creative or use their brain, that is meek and will never ever question authority.

This job is not good for those who want a career they can advance in or that are seeking to learn marketing best practices. Additionally, if you have a moral compass, this is not the company for you.

**The only person I would encourage to apply at Madwire would be my worst enemy, so they too experience what I can only describe as a roller-coaster within Dantes Inferno. Or if you have always wanted to join a cult…but like a messed up Jonestown cult. **

FOR CURRENT EMPLOYEES: Does Madwire have any employees who are happy and fulfilled? I don’t see how anyone can feel like their work and time spent with the company has meaning. I don’t mean to offend anyone, hear me out. If you have been an employee in 2023, you witnessed AI take over 3 departments (Design, Ad Specialists, and Billing). 2 other departments (Content and Social Media) is forced to use AI to produce things quicker and mindlessly. The work is mind-numbing. Every department is overworked and underpaid. The only department that is paid well is the sales team, who is seemingly always last to know of departments changes and what to even be selling.

**If you are a current employee of Madwire: 1. How long have you been with Madwire, and are you fulfilled, especially after this year of never-ending layoffs? 2. If you’re not happy, what is stopping you from leaving? **

–P.S. the last post about Madwire received 27,000 views. Pls help spread awareness 🥹–