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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Green-Caterpillar22 on 2024-09-19 20:00:52+00:00.

My husband (23M) and I (24F) are faking our membership and we are slowly going insane. Long story short we found ourselves in a bad financial spot, in debt, and had to move into my parents house. My mom is the most devout LDS member I have ever known. She is very very paranoid of her kids leaving the church and then trying to influence the other siblings. When we first moved into the house I had just recently had my faith crisis and I was adamant about not being in the church anymore. I could sense her treating me different, and she admitted several times that she was paranoid that I was going to share exmormon material with my other younger siblings living in the home and she considered kicking us out. Every conversation I had with her she always tried to convince me that the church is true and exmormons are just misconstruing church history etc. so I told her I would try believing in God again but I still don’t believe in the LDS religion. As soon as she saw this in me she started treating me and my husband completely different. Like she actually loved us. After some time my husband and I realized our living situation for the time being would be better off if we fake being active in the church. So far my husband has “converted” and been babtised (he was a nevermo), we have given our baby a blessing, and now everyone is putting pressure on us to get sealed. I have seen videos of what really goes on in the temple, and we just can’t bring ourselves to go through with it. We want to be done, with all of it. We haven’t gone to church in a couple months and we are at a breaking point with it. We are still in debt and my husbands credit is bad at the moment so we can’t move out quite yet but we are just hoping he gets a promotion soon. It could be another 6 months to a year before we can reasonably move out. I feel guilty for lying to my mom about our belief but it’s kept us safe. What should we do next? Suck it up and go through the temple? Be honest even if it means we will be treated different and possibly be kicked out? Any advice, even if harsh, is appreciated.