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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/cereal_raypist on 2024-09-20 08:08:11+00:00.

It was my first job right after college. Me and my manager (lets Call him John) Never spoke much to each other. In 3 months, may be formal greetings once a week and thats pretty much it. Me colleagues report to our respective team leaders thats why my interactions to John were limited to hello/Hi/Good Morning. One night I had a dream where John is sitting in a bar and drinking. The dream was pretty lucid however, other details are irrelevant so I will keep it simple. In the dream, John called me and offered me a drink (John is an serious alcohlic maybe due to work stress). I politely refused and than we had a little chat like how is work, whether I like the new job etc. Later he walked out and I followed him, next thing I see that there is a gigantic pilllar like structure. On the the top of it there was a statue of chirst (like the ones we see in churches with a cross, I am not Christian BTW but John is). Best way I can describe it as it was similar to a light house and there was a line of people entering into it. John waved goodbye to me and stood into the line.

I woke up next morning and it was a weird dream so i brushed it off. I went to office sat in my cabin, around 10 am out of nowhere, John came to me, pat me on my shoulder and said "I dont see you much (I was wfh) how have you been, your Team leader praised your work and I am glad we got an employee like you. I awkwardly smiled and said thanks. He walked away. Around 11 am I heard some commotion outside the office however, I didnt bother much and kept on working. In the afternoon, my Teamleader announced that johd passed away and he had an heart attack. I was in shock. The dream, the timing it was all so eerie. At the time, all this seemed so absurd that I only told it to my best friend. She was creeped out too. I only told it to that friend and my wife ever. Its been 2 years to this incident and I still wonder whether there is any meaning to all this.