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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/banana0coconut on 2024-09-20 06:06:18+00:00.

First it was the, “oh, have you ever just considered its your depression/you need ADHD meds for procrastination?”

Then, it was, “you have slightly low vitamin B12 even though you’ve been having these symptoms for years when your B12 was fine”

And now its, “great, your B12 is back to normal but your vitamin D is low. Maybe getting some sun and going out would help with the fatigue?”

I just want to be taken seriously for once. I know once my D levels are normal from supplements (because I can’t even get out of bed most days, thanks, doc), I’ll just get shrugged off again. I wish doctors were more educated on this subject because I feel like I’m losing my mind.

Have another appointment in early November with my neurologist, wish me luck for my sanity’s sake.