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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/CedgeDC on 2024-09-21 20:11:35+00:00.

In 2021 the shorts and market makers sent a very clear message. We watched in real time as the stock climbed steadily, a dollar a second to $344, and then halt, after halt, after halt, until 20 minutes later the price was at $172. Over the following weeks they tanked the price to $34~, they destroyed the subs we were on, and then they bragged. “Trading is a hard game huh.”

So they have proven that even when the stock runs, they can tank it.

So what is RC’s response? He punishes them. When the stock runs, rather than have it soar and then tank back down a week or two later and pass without notice, he used this to generate an incredible nest egg for the company. And he’ll do it again. He will raise more. And more. And the interest will continue to grow and grow. This is a mortal threat to shorts. It’s why the shills are out in force.

There is not one sane person who actually believes that a man who can amass 4.7 billion dollars in 4 years with a failing company, doesn’t have ways to spend it. These arguments are laced with willful ignorance and whataboutisms. Because at their core, the shorts are petrified and have grown desperate.

When I bought into the stock, mid january of 21 like so many others, the market cap was roughly ~1.5 billion. Now we have 3x that in cash alone. You couldn’t get us to sell then, and you know you have no chance now. The shorts cannot achieve what they hoped to achieve, so their last bet, is to convince you somehow, that this is bad. That a dollar is not worth a dollar, when it’s held by GME. That RC is a fuck up and somehow doesn’t know how to use his money, even though he’s got a flawless track record of making it.

All you have succeeded in doing is outing those cute little reddit accounts you went to the trouble of karma farming up to post in our sub. The only people you ‘convince’ are each other. We have held through far scarier troubles than “what will we do with all this money???