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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/TrickDemand5202 on 2024-09-23 04:16:44+00:00.

Hey so I’m literally so traumatized…, last night around 1 am I got a no caller id call. I usually don’t pick up but I did. It was a voice that sounded exactly like my mother, she sounded in a panic and said she needed to talk to me and she was scared. I immediately jumped to the worst conclusions like someone died or what not. She then proceeds to tell me she is pregnant. My mother is over 60 and it’s highly unlikely. But she preceded to say she’s having an affair with someone much younger. And then I just went along with it because I was in a panic myself thinking like this is real. I mean it sounded EXACTLY like my mother. I then try to change the topic and asked her if she’s still doing yoga. And she’s like yeah. that’s how it started. We met at yoga. “ we do yoga alone together “ and that comment was just weird. Then she was saying how she wish she used protection. She made a comment saying she likes how it feels without it. I immediately hung up and called my mom’s number and asked if we just spoke. And it wasn’t my mom. The question is here is how, what, and why would someone do this. I mean the way she sounded exactly like my mom but then again didn’t say my name or anything specific. I’m low key just traumatized. Is this a scam or something more……