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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Infamous-Region3809 on 2024-09-22 20:48:49+00:00.

The title says it all honestly, I accidentally forgot to add a source in my term paper. It wasn’t a very important one but still. I wrote my Professor an email and she said she cannot accept another correction, as I in a panic already resubmitted it once due to formal errors. I resent her an email telling her that I was missing a source and of course apologising, which she has yet to respond to. Needless to say I am very worried and basically planning under what bridge I will be sleeping after getting thrown out of university. My paper is not even good! I honestly hate it do death and was sick the last two days I spent writing, so I kinda already thought I was failing this class but this is so much worse.

TL;DR: accidentally plagarised, trying to fix it, wish me luck, I’ll need it.