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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/cr0ft on 2024-09-25 19:57:15+00:00.

Sure, it was a bit of a pain in the ass to get things working compared to ZHA, but really the only sticking point was using the wrong server address from what seems like an older guide, mqtt://localhost:1883 instead of mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883 - as soon as I found the second address and used that I was up and running.

Immediate benefits? My IKEA stuff started finding all kinds of updates to said devices that ZHA hadn’t been aware of.

And my new Aqara H1 smart wall switches started exposing all kinds of fun things, like decoupled mode…

Well, at least I got to it at only about 15 devices. Not too bad to rebuild the early automations I had gotten to.

Frankly, the guides and videos who suggest ZHA instead… I mean, I can see why, ZHA was painless to install. The problem is the pain arrived later, not up front! 😀