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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/board_bitch on 2024-09-26 02:24:09+00:00.

I found out today that my neighbor is expecting her new kids to arrive any day now. Here’s the story (with what details I know):

She met a doctor from London online 2 years ago (We are in the US), video chatted with him, and they became engaged with the expectation that he would move to be with her. (My neighbor is older with a big heart and has fostered lots of kids in her life.) Earlier this year, the doctor’s son and daughter-in-law died in an accident and all 7 kids survived. He became their legal gaurdian, and then was murdered at an atm while trying to get 6k in cash to send to her. She told me that he left her 7.5 million and she would receive it as soon as she had custody of the kids and signed some papers. She’s paid the lawyers lots of money trying to get these kids, and they were supposed to arrive back in February. She told me that she has a lawyer from London that she’s working with, but he’s currently working out of Australia. She also said that one of the lawyers from the estate is going to prison for trying to steal some of the inheritance.

I’m pretty sure this is a scam but I have no idea how to bring this up to her. Has anyone heard of a scam like this and can maybe link me to something that I can share with her?