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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Important-Ad4239 on 2024-09-26 14:37:17+00:00.

Today I received a call saying that my identity was being used to traffic drugs from a customs and border patrol agent. I should have immediately recognized this as a scam but due to several fraudulent charges on my credit card recently, I’ve been paranoid and for some reason believed them. They proceeded to talk for a very long time, where they listed off a few addresses, 2 of which were my current and past address, which I stupidly confirmed (they also listed some other random address which I had never heard of).

They then proceeded to ask me about my assets, which I very vaguely answered (along the lines of “yes, I have a bank account” and “No I dont own a car”) but nothing specific. At this point I began to pick up on it likely being a scam, and let the call play out but didn’t provide any further info.

Should I be worried? Do I need to do anything to keep myself safe? Am I screwed? I know I’m an idiot for falling for this so spare me those comments please.