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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Terrible_Log1701 on 2024-09-26 23:12:02+00:00.

Simple story, context 21 year old man. Some friends and I were renting an Air B&B, and it was the last day before leaving. I was sweeping the kitchen and my friend was leaning against the wall. I reached the spot she was standing at and I didn’t want to make her move since I literally was just going to quickly do one sweep and move on. Not wanting her to move I said “Spread your legs, I need to get in.” In my mind I was just asking her to quickly spread her legs/ widen her stance so I can sweep there and then leave, but I suppose that wasn’t communicated fully in my statement. She goes “woah” and then starts bursting out laughing. I’m confused. She laughes like a madman, stammers away, making her way to the group, where she repeats what was said and the entire group burst out laughing at me. It’s then I realize how what I said could be taken in a different way. I just continue my sweeping as everyone laughs.

TL;DR. I was sweeping and told my friend to spread her legs so I could sweep in the spot she was standing.