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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/uhuhuhuhuhhuh on 2024-09-27 06:49:05+00:00.

This is far less harmful than it sounds. About 2 weeks ago my partner and I went to a cat cafe and had a great time with this sweet sweet kitty. She let us hold her, she was head butting us, amazing. We looked at the board of kitty profiles and read that her name was Tiger and her description was great! Friendly, 2-4 yrs old, found on the streets with 3 kittens and ready for a forever home. We applied, on a Friday we got confirmed that we could take her home, amazing, scheduled to do so on Tuesday. I was walking around town with a couple of my friends that Saturday. The cafe has a big window where you can see all the cats, I suggested we go look at my girlie! The girl working the register told me where she was hanging out. I bring my friends to the window…that’s not Tiger? She got it wrong right? Whatever I met the kitty a week or so ago maybe my perception of her size or coloring was totally off. Oops. Tuesday comes, we go in, cat carrier in tow, sign papers. Tiger walks over I say “Oh she can tell we’re taking about her!” I get up to pet her and the rep goes, “Oh that’s Zebra.” And brings Tiger over. That’s…not who I thought we were getting?My partner and I look at each other and start a game of anxiety chicken or trying to communicate to one another “I really want a cat, Tiger seems amazing let’s still take her” We leave and immediately confirm, that’s not who we were expecting. So we took the wrong cat home. Turns out that Zebra was not adoptable at the time we met her. My perception of her was not incorrect we just never confirmed that she was the kitty in the picture!!! Well I’ve had Tiger home for a couple days and I can confirm that emotionally, I absolutely did not take the wrong cat home. She is my best friend and I am in love with her. I just want to spoil this beautiful baby forever! (I can tell that she was meant to me mine from the transition anxiety poops/farts, my anxiety manifests the same)

TL;DR: I didn’t confirm that the cat I saw in the profile was the cat I was petting; best fuck up ever.