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The original was posted on /r/titanfall by /u/Sha77eredSpiri7 on 2024-09-27 04:57:21+00:00.

Using mouse aiming on console is cheating.

I stand by this, and this will be a hill I proudly die on. Using mouse aiming, as in hooking up a mouse to your PS4 or Xbox to play Titanfall on console with a mouse to aim instead of the joysticks on your controller, is absolutely cheating.

I say this because it’s far easier to aim with your mouse than it is to manually control stick input, as a mouse can be far more precise and faster with its movement than with control sticks, therefore you gain a very unfair advantage against those actually using what they’re supposed to be using. You see so many pilots that are consistently getting 15 ~ 20+ kill games that are barely leveled up, sometimes not even beyond their first regen.

Occasionally you’ll see some random schmuck outperforming the pilots above G20 or even G50+, and they themselves are like G2 if even that high. Every single time I see their killcam (since I inevitably get killed by them like 10 times in a single match), it’s obscenely obvious to tell that they’re using mouse aiming, simply because of the way their camera moves in the killcam.

This all really gets on my nerves if you can’t already tell, and I think it’s one of the main reasons why people don’t like this game anymore, atleast on console; it’s just too difficult for people to get better at the game when they’re constantly getting hammered by people who seem to have just joined, and are already doing better than most G100’s because they’re using a cheaty method of aiming. It’s disproportional, and morale consuming, and I don’t agree with the practice.

And even if you’ve perfected using console aim controls, and can masterfully aim with just the controller joysticks, you’ll still be outclassed by even just an average mouse aimer. The best control stick aimer will never be better than the average mouse aimer, and that creates a serious imbalance in the gameplay, possibly even more of an imbalance than the unbalanced selection of weapons in the game, but that’s another conversation.