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The original was posted on /r/nightofthefullmoon by /u/Flek171 on 2024-09-20 06:51:10+00:00.

I just read the patch notes of the update for the 7th anniversary, which came out yesterday and I’m really disappointed. There is a new Class for Wishing Night, which is cool and all, but the main part of this update seems to be Season 5 of the Online Mode. There just still isn’t an online mode for the English version yet, and I’m not sure there will ever be one.

I really love this game. It feels like the people making it are putting in a lot of work and heart, but the English version feels just like a very small neglected side project. It’s admirable that they even have an English version, even though they don’t seem to speak a word of that language, but the AI translations they are using just aren’t really doing it. It feels like the only thing they do for us is slap their text into the AI and put the result into the game and community posts, without having anyone to check them and never looking at it again. Why else would they post paragraphs of patch notes for a game mode we don’t even have access to. This game has the most inactive English community I’ve seen in any game I played, which is not surprising, as the developers can’t engage with us, and I doubt they are reading any of the comments on their steam posts. It just gives me the feeling they don’t really know nor actually care how we feel about the game. They really need people who can speak english if they want a good english version of their game to exist.

In this state I actually lose a lot of my enthusiasm for the game :c