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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/tayishere on 2024-09-27 16:10:07+00:00.

I joined this ‘trading’ company today and before joining i had to do three days of training where they taught us about the financial markets and how to answer calls and face objections. We were asked to choose stage names and I really thought the reason why was our mother company is in UK. And after the training they gave us a simulation and I passed.

Today was my first day on the floor handling ’sales’. First it seemed fine. They had these target boards with everyone’s names and as I calculated for this month they have passed 10k USD in sales. Whenever someone secure a sale that person rings a bell that is mounted to the wall and everyone claps and celebrate.

Within less than an hour I figured what they celebrated was scamming innocent people from all over the world. They have 3 ways of scamming. First is asking people to ‘invest’ for the first time. Then there is a retention department where they scam the same people over and over. And then there is ‘recovery’ where they find victims that got scammed from other unregulated platforms and scam them again saying that they will help them recover the lost money.

The whole operation is very elaborated and no can bring phones inside. No one knows the real names of anyone. They make everyone sign an NDA on the first day of training.

I feel bad for everyone that is getting scammed by this inhumane people. And people are fucking RINGING BELLS AND CLAPPING when they successfully scam a person. The person sitting infront of me scammed a person (this person was a previous victim) who was in the NICU for 5 days and who just returned home.

I don’t know how these people do what they do. I will never understand that.

Also, the mastermind (owner) behind this scam showed up during the shift. He was a British guy scamming British people. All of them are going to hell and I hope they all suffer someday I had to watch and learn today so I’m happy I didn’t take part of anything

Edit: They show fake accounts of blockchain/ e wallets with fake amounts to previous victims and convince them that the lost funds have increased due to market prices and what not. Therefore they should open a temporary wallet to get the funds that we have recovered. and to activate the new wallet they should pay a minimum amount. Minimum amount depends on what information the client disclose. If they reveal they make more suddenly the minimum amount to activate the wallet goes higher. They alter the website using the ‘inspect’ mode and change the wallet amount / name, phone number and email of the wallet. And they say the can only transfer the recovered money to an active account therefore the client feels obligated to pay again. And this is not a ‘payment’ in client’s mind because they are depositing funds to a wallet that is linked to ‘their’ email and phone number.