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The original was posted on /r/india by /u/indiablazed420 on 2024-09-27 21:59:14+00:00.

I have truly lost in life . I am 22M from mumbai

I feel really hopeless and like a loser as i sit to write this down. I haven’t achieved anything in life in the last x years. no one would wanna stay with me.

I don’t see any purpose in life, why am I even born? Why am I alive? I see my batchmates and former colleagues achieve so much in life in every aspect; partner, promotion, parenthood, places.

I see people smiling, laughing, enjoying life, being carefree, successful. Why do I not deserve all that? I’ve made such wrong decisions in life that it has turned my life upside down. I wasn’t like this, so depressed, so ugly, so lonely. I don’t feel like interacting with anyone. I don’t have anyone to talk to all day. There are days when i don’t speak a single word. Don’t hear my own voice.

All i see is darkness ahead. People say things get better and that, everything happens for a reason, but what if the reason is that God hates me? Or that I’m truly undeserving of anything good happening to me? Or that I’ve really bad luck.

Life wasn’t supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be successful and happy and cheerful and not an unemployed lonely person. I used to think i was so much better than a lot of people. Apparently I’m not. Life has humbled me. No one cares about you if you’re a nobody. Unless you have a penny in hand, you’re as good as furniture. People will leave you once their purpose is served. You’re no more than a dustbin after that. They won’t even spit on your face.

I don’t think there’s any scope to go back, there’s no redemption. I have truly lost in life. Everyday I wish it would just end right now.