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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/leosperry on 2024-09-27 22:07:37+00:00.

HaKafkaNet has released version 9. Since version 8, there have been some nice QOL improvements.

Support for more entity types

  • Media Players - Several methods have been added to control media players. These can be very useful for TTS notifications in your home.
  • More helper entities - Number and text helpers now have been added. These can be especially useful for on the fly configuration.
  • Previously built out, but not mentioned here is support for TTS and interacting with devices by area or label.

UI improvements

Digging through the logs to see what an entity’s state was when the automation triggered is a thing of the past. The UI now makes this information easily discoverable.

System Monitor Additions

The built-in system monitor has had a couple new features

  • Get notifications when service calls fail - If for any reason, a service call to HA fails in your automations, you now have a central place to inspect the error. Any logs you write in this method will also show up in the logs for the automation.
  • Get notified when HA is shutting down or starting up. There’s even a helper method with built in timeout for you to take action after a shutdown and the startup event has not been sent.