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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Lefka356 on 2023-08-05 03:36:21.

My wife adopted 2 kittens she found in our yard. I am not a cat person, and I was very apprehensive about this whole thing. Before I agreed to let them in the house, I laid out specific ground rules. I was very direct, and even put it in writing in a text so we could refer back to it. My stipulations included that I would not, in any way, lift a finger to help take care of the cats.

Now, that might sound a bit harsh, but I do not want cats. I have a full plate at work. I do a lot helping out with my young kids and taking care of the house. On top of that, I’ve been the one primarily taking care of my dog for the last 14 years. I love that dog, but she needs a lot of care in her senior years. All of this together, I’m just tired. Adding one more thing to my plate just isn’t healthy.

Today I was sitting down watching TV and I noticed the cat peed right next to me. My wife had a girlfriend over and they were in the other room chatting. I asked her to come into the room and there I showed her the cat pee and asked her to clean it up. She was furious that I interrupted her and didn’t just do it myself.

I know it wouldn’t have been a big deal for me to just clean it up this one time, but I was clear about the expectations and I didn’t want this one time to turn into a normal thing.

So internet strangers, AITA for making my wife clean it up?