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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/DarkBehindTheStars on 2024-09-28 03:02:45+00:00.

What are some movies that were intended to start a series but never did? Be it maybe the planned sequel(s) simply didn’t materialize for one reason or another, the initial movie bombed and thus further films were scrapped, etc. I’m not talking about films that eventually got a sequel made, but a strictly one and done affair that came and went.

One of the more recent examples is the 2017 Mummy film, which was intended to kick off the Dark Universe. That film’s poor performance pulled the plug on those plans. The Rocketeer was another, intended to kick off a trilogy but sadly it’s box office underperformance in 1991 halted that. 1989’s Shocker was intended to be the beginning of a new Horror series but again, box office underperformance cancelled those plans.

I have strong suspicions Small Soldiers was intended to be the start of a series but probably due to the underwhelming box office and not very good critical reception at the time that those plans got shelved. Though a remake of it was planned and I remember there were even sequel talks some years back, but nothing ever came of anything.