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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/gothicpastelboy on 2024-09-28 01:32:27+00:00.

I (18m) am in my first year of college. A friend of mine, Jake (18m), was in highschool and we both ended up at the same college. Within the first week, we hung out a lot and I managed to meet a lot of fellow college students I had been in contact with prior to moving in. One of which was my really good friend Tommy (18m).

I am gay, so naturally I attract a lot of fellow queer people–being an an art college doesnt help–in which, both Tommy and Jake are gay. At some point, the two of them ran into each other and spoke. They both, seperately, texted me to say they met the other. Ever since, whenever I see them, they are together and hanging out. You never see Tommy without Jake, or Jake without Tommy.

I noticed they were spending a lot of time together, and made a note before moving on. Eventually, our college hosted a fair. I attended, eventually seeing Tommy and Jake aswell. I ended up following the two around, and as i did… I noticed how in sync they were and how close they seemed. I thought, maybe they liked each other? But i didnt think much of it, until our next hang out…

Today, I went to dinner with a few friends. I had a bunch of friends come and go, the two staying the longest were Tommy and Jake. I ended up not feeling well, in which Tommy began to INSIST to walk me back to the room. Jake following aswell. Everytime, throughout the dinner and walk home, i would make a private jab to the two of them. I just thought it was a funny coincidence i was running into frequently. Nothing serious. I always made sure the other was out of ear shot when I made these jokes, and they both laughed.

When I was in my dorm, and the two left, Tommy texted me and told me he liked Jake. That i was onto him, and that Jake didnt know, so dont tell him. I told him it was pretty clear Jake liked him too, and he should go for it! I then, looked over to see that Jake texted me. Jake said that he liked Tommy. He told me “i dont know if were dating or not. dont want to force anything”

I thought that meant Tommy and Jake were seeing each other, but without a label. So i told Tommy that Jake told me everything, and Jake that i was happy for the two of them!!

Only then did Jake say that he hadn’t actually confessed to Tommy. And i realized just… Fumbled the bag. I then immediately told them both to just text each other and confess. I had let it be known the feelings were mutual on accident, all because i assumed the message meant they were just seeing eachother secretly…

TL;DR: I accidentally let it slip that two of my friends like each other because i assumed they were already dating