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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/KunSeii on 2024-09-29 17:22:26+00:00.

This did not happen today, but just about a year ago. At the time, my wife and I were married for about a year. My wife and I have very opposite interests, but we both support each other in the things that the other loves.

For example, I love going to different conventions, dressing up in costume, meeting celebrities, and checking out the unique merchandise that is sold. My wife is a big football fan, and will never miss a game if she can help it. My wife will come to conventions with me and I’ll watch the games with her and occasionally we make it to one in person.

A lot of people have questioned our dynamic because of our interests. To distill it down simply, I was a theater kid who wrote for the school newspaper and she played softball and loves football. People asked how on earth we fit together, even my mother, but we balance each other very well and I can’t see myself with anyone else.

My wife pointed out to me at one point that even if my interests aren’t her thing, she loves that when I do my favorite things, the fact that I want her to be a part of them speaks volumes about how I feel about her and I feel the same way.

On to the fuck up. Last year we attended a game for her favorite NFL team. Her dad bought tickets for the entire family and invited us to get there early to tailgate in the parking lot.

As we were getting ready, my wife stated that as we would be grilling in the parking lot and going through a crowded stadium, it might be prudent to leave our wedding rings at home. Earlier in the year, a stone fell out of mine when we were on vacation, and I searched for an hour before finding it. So I agreed with her.

I jokingly asked her what we should say if anyone asks why we’re not wearing our rings. My wife rolled her eyes and said nobody would notice that. I said that someone was bound to notice it and we need to come up with something funny to say. We decided that if anyone asked, we would whisper, “Well, we’re working on things…” and just leave it at that.

Well, we arrived, had a great time, and nobody said anything. We posted several group photos to Facebook and Instagram along with photos of us grilling in the parking lot. About ten minutes later, my mother texted me.

“Why aren’t you guys wearing your wedding rings in the photo you put up on Facebook?”

I showed it to my wife, and we both cracked up laughing.

So I sent the following back, “Well, we’re trying to work on things, but the tickets were already purchased, so…”

We had a good laugh, forgot about it, headed inside, and had a great time.

Cue the end of the game. We headed out to our car, waited in the queue to get out, and then began to drive home.

About five minutes into the trip, notifications start going off on my phone. I hadn’t realized that the stadium had terrible cell service, was essentially a dead zone, and didn’t bother to connect to the stadium WiFi.

“I know you’re kidding, but please confirm that for me…”

“It’s really not funny to joke about. I’m very nervous about you guys…”

“What does that mean you’re working on things? Why aren’t you wearing your rings?”

“Please pick up your phone.”

“This is not to week to do this to me, I am freaking out right now!”

“Why aren’t you answering your phone?”

By the time I called to assure her that I had simply been joking, she had already called multiple relatives freaking out that my wife and I were splitting up and I wasn’t answering the phone. When they heard the details, everyone else thought it was pretty hilarious. My mother, however, did not, and is still angry that we pulled that on her.

Tl; Dr - Posted photos without our wedding rings on social media. Led my mother to believe we were breaking up and due to no service, she didn’t find out it was a joke until 6 hours later.