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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Zero7CO on 2024-09-30 19:11:49+00:00.

This post is hard for me to type. On one end…I’m super-excited. Videos posted of 2 mass sightings this weekend. The first…about 300 witnesses, the second was supposedly closer to 1,000.

Here’s why it’s hard for me to type this. Both groups who witnessed and took videos of these events over the weekend were at a UFO event called ‘GSIC’ led by a woman named Elena Dannan. People in this GSIC group believe in a Galactic Federation of various alien species, and Elena basically thinks she can communicate with them, get the news on what all the aliens are up to, and then she relays it to us on her YouTube channel. Imagine the ‘Galactic NBC Nightly News’ for the lack of better words. I’ll admit it…I thought her, this group, all this…was just way to ‘woo’. They were ‘out there’.

Well, after speeches/presentations each night, they went outside, looked up at the sky, and from what I could read…they all collectively tried to summon the objects.

On Friday night, they captured the triangle. What many in here label the TR-3B. Video was posted to this room on it Friday night and again Saturday morning. You could hear everyone reacting. It was a great video…right up until the OP decided to shine a laser right at it. Rightfully so, that generated a lot of negative chatter in the room (on one end…FAA could throw you in prison for this…on the other, let’s not trigger a War of the Worlds invasion). Needless to say, even though it was a great video, it was deleted by late Saturday morning.

Well, Saturday night it appears they saw something even bigger. What I’ve seen 3 times in the last 2 years over Denver. I call it the big boomerang. The person posting the video said on Saturday night, there was close to 1000 people trying to collectively wish these things to show themselves. Then this thing flew over: (this is very grainy footage…based on the # of people there I’m hopeful better video will be posted in the days ahead)

Combined with the similar sighting from the astrophotographer on Friday night in nearby South Dakota…the skies just seem VERY active right now. For what it’s worth…I’ve seen the big boomerang 3 times in the last 2 years, and they were all in September and October.

If we had 300 people see/video a UAP on Friday night in Denver…and then 1000 see/video an even bigger, and different UAP on Saturday night, do these not count as mass sightings? I tried to post something about this to r/Denver, but was downvoted immediately. The masses are still dismissive of this. Everything is Starlink.