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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/ttgirlsfw on 2024-10-01 05:10:14+00:00.

Reposted because my dumbass computer autocorrected transmedicalism to transcendentalism.

There are a variety of claims transmedicalists make. Most of them I agree with. Some of them I don’t. I will list the claims, and then I will list what would need to be proven in order to debunk the claims.

Claim 1: Trans people with early onset gender dysphoria have the brain characteristics of their target sex, even before transitioning. This claim is based on studies that have found brain differences between cis people and trans people (even those who never started hormones). From here, it can be argued that a trans person is philosophically equivalent to a cis person of the target sex who happens to have a severe developmental deformity causing them to appear as the trans person’s birth sex. In other words, the brain sex determines gender, not the body nor anything else external to the brain such as gender roles or gender expression.

Debunk 1: You would need to show that the studies were a fluke.

Claim 2: You need to have dysphoria to be trans. I agree with this claim, but it has no proof. We make this claim because we have deeply rooted belief that being trans is characterized by a mismatch between the sex of the brain and the body, that we are trans because we are born in the wrong body, and that the inevitable symptom of this mismatch is gender dysphoria. In turn, we believe that if a person doesn’t have gender dysphoria, then they don’t have the mismatch between their brain and their body, and therefore they are not trans.

Debunk 2: All you would need to do is link a study which uses the same methods as the ones mentioned before showing that so-called non-dysphoric trans people actually do have those same brain differences found in dysphoric trans people. This would in turn show that non-dysphoric trans people are philosophically equivalent, blah blah blah. Now alternatively if the study only proves our point, that non-dysphoric people don’t have the mismatch, then the task becomes a lot more difficult.

Claim 3: Even if non-dysphoric trans people are trans, they shouldn’t transition, or at least should not receive public funding for their transition. The justification for this claim is usually that we do not live in a world where HRT and surgeries are accessible and affordable for all trans people.

Debunk 3: You would need to convince us that it would be medically necessary for a cisgender person to receive reconstructive treatment for a developmental deformity even if it doesn’t cause them any particular distress and even if there are other patients in line who have more urgent needs. Or, you would need to prove that HRT and surgeries are in fact accessible and affordable for all trans people. Or you would need to create a world where HRT and surgeries are accessible and affordable for all trans people.

Claim 4: More and more I am seeing “transgender” defined something like “an umbrella term for people whose gender identities, gender expressions, and/or behaviors are different from those culturally associated with the sex that they were assigned at birth.” There are a variety of problems with this definition. This definition of transgender logically includes cis GNC people, who are, by definition, not trans. This is a contradiction.

Debunk 4: You would need to convince us that cisgender people actually don’t exist, and everybody is transgender because everybody is GNC in at least one aspect.

Claim 5: It is harmful to transexual people to include cisgender GNC people in the trans community. From personal experience, I have been outnumbered 9-to-1 by theyfabs any time I attempt to join a support group for transgender people. I expect to find transexuals with similar experiences to me. I have been unable to find a support group for transexual people. If I google search “support groups for transexuals,” all the top groups say “support group for trangender people.” How am I supposed to be sure that the support group won’t all be drag queens, drag queens, xenogenders, tomboys, femboys, theyfabs, genderqueers, AGPs, and transmaxxers, all of which are apparently included under the transgender umbrella?

Debunk 5: You would need to show me that it is easy for me to find a support group for transexual people that won’t include any non-transexuals.

Claim 6: The umbrella definition leads to more detransitioners and therefore more fuel for right-wingers to take away our rights. I agree with this claim but it doesn’t have any evidence.

Debunk 6: You would need to show that detransition rates are not higher among tucutes than they are among transmedicalists.

Claim 7: Non-binary people don’t exist, or are not trans. I personally believe that they do exist and are trans, but the reason a lot of transmedicalists make this claim is that there simply isn’t any evidence to support the claim that non-binary people do exist or are trans.

Debunk 7: All you would need to do is show that there are brain differences between cis people and so-called non-binary people (with dysphoria), even those who never started transitioning. Hypothetically these non-binary people would have brains that are “in-between” male and female, or “neither” male nor female, corresponding to whether they identified as duosex or nullsex during their life. You would also have to show that any brain differences cannot be attributed to something like autism. You could also repeat this experiment for non-dysphoric non-binary people.

Claim 8: Xenogenders are bullshit. I agree with this one. The reasoning is that, even if your brain can diverge from your birth sex, it cannot resemble the brains of inanimate objects such as attack helicopters or trees, non-human animals such as cats or dogs, or fictional creatures such as dragons or unicorns.

Debunk 8: You would have to repeat the study again, but this time with xenogenders, once again showing that the object the person claims to be is matched by their brain (and that these brain differences cannot be attributed to something like autism). I imagine that this is pretty impossible to prove.

If you have any other claims to add, please let me know. And if you are a tucute who is afraid to post here please DM me and I can debate you respectfully. I’ll even respect your xenogenders if you have them.