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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/Derpin0ides on 2024-10-02 05:29:47+00:00.


Barteool didn’t get a lot of time to look around the forest before a huge backpack threw him to the ground. Panicked, he watched as Aragami rushed to the Dendrae before others got in the way.

He struggled to get the backpack off of him, twisting his torso to push the weight to the side with little to no luck. Then, a group of four Guild Security officers entered his vision and with all of their efforts combined, pushed the backpack to the side, freeing him and two scholars that were stuck.

Barteool tried to stand up, but a sharp pain in his ankle sent him to the ground again. “Fuck!” he yelled out and grasped his wounded leg.

Luckily, one of the healers noticed his struggle and marched over, gently dragging his hands away from the wound and casting a low healing spell.

“What happened?” Barteool asked, the pain in his ankle slowly disappearing.

“Your ‘friend’ carelessly tossed his bag and rushed at the guardian. The Guild Master and the rest went to mediate and instructed us to take care of the situation here.” Another scholar spoke up from beside him, disdain dripping from every word. “Your companion went with them, and you are to do the same as soon as you are able to.”

With that, the scholar turned away and walked to care for his other comrades. Barteool nodded and thanked the scholar that helped him and looked around. The area was plunged into chaos. It appeared that Aragami threw his bag to one side and threw himself to the other. There was a clear straight pathway of scholars shoved to the sides without a care in the world.

‘Welp. Let’s go, then.’ Barteool shrugged and got to running through the chaos.

As he emerged from the group, he immediately saw Guild Master Zaanta, Battering Ram Ghanna and Barrier Mage Tiina waiting a short distance away, in between the group and Aragami wrestling a Dendrae. As he jogged up to them, he searched for Virria. She was supposed to be with them, but he couldn’t see her.

“Ah. Barteool! Finally!” Guild Master said as he came to stop. “Now that all of us are present, let us try and mediate the situation before anything too bad happens.”

“Excuse me?” Barteool raised his hand. “I don’t see Virria here.”

“She’s gone ahead to try and stop him while we gather,” Tiina answered, a slight smile on her face. “We told her to wait for us, but she gave us some…valid counterarguments.”

He could imagine her arguments, so he just sighed and gestured that he was ready to go.

As they approached, it became obvious that something was very wrong. Even though Virria tried her best, Aragami was not responding at all. In fact, he was back to his original size and ripping various branches off the poor Guardian’s body.

The barrier Mage prepared her staff, perhaps to cast a barrier in between the two, but stopped herself mid-incantation.

Zaanta looked at her questioningly, but Tina just pointed to one of the trees, her hand shaking.

As they all turned their attention to the tree as well, Barteool’s legs almost gave out. The tree was twisting and growing at an unnatural pace. It then stopped moving as suddenly as it started, before its roots shot out of the ground and pulled the whole tree above.

He covered his face with his hands to protect himself from the dirt and stones flying through the air, before he felt Ghanna’s hand touch his head and slam it to the ground. He wanted to protest, but then he heard a weird, shaky voice from in front of him.

“Raise your heads.”

He did so very carefully. In front of him he saw Guild Master and Barrier Mage kneeling on the ground. Ghanna was beside him, with Virria on her other side. And in front of them was another Dendrae. This one even older looking than the one they met on the way into the forest.

He was amazed to see such a powerful being in front of him. This was something he would be telling his grandkids and great grandkids. He was sure of it. And then he heard the other voice.


It came from the left, where Aragami was. The voice was deep, rumbling, and was as pleasant as if you dragged a battle ax against a stone floor. And it was coming out of Aragami’s mouth at the moment.

To everyone’s surprise, the older Dendrae immediately snapped to attention and answered in the same language, albeit in a much more pleasant voice. To everyone’s amazement, Aragami started to scold him, pointing to him and to the other, weaker Dendrae that lay on the ground with ripped off branches.

“Oh, he’s dead.” Ghanna muttered beside him and got a quick glare from Zaanta for speaking out of line. But Barteool had to agree. You simply don’t speak up to the Dendrae. He could see the fear in Virria’s eyes as she watched the situation, unable to interfere.

“It’s not him.” Virria whispered. The Guild Master turned her head slightly, still maintaining her kneeling position.

“Explain!” She demanded quietly.

“Aragami’s eyes!” Virria pointed a finger. “They changed color, his movements seem shaky and unsure. And the language he speaks seems unnatural.”

Barteool focused on the beings in front of him, their discussion gaining momentum. He carefully observed their movements and saw what she meant.

“She’s right, Guild Master!” He whispered, unable to snap his eyes away. “That’s not how he moved through the forest. He was way more fluid.”

The Guild Master narrowed her eyes and turned to observe the being. After a short while she nodded slightly.

“I can see what you mean. Those movements are nothing like during the fight with Ghanna.” She paused. “Tiina? Could it be a case of possession?”

Barteool felt his blood freeze over. Possession was extremely risky if you weren’t careful. The majority of mages that got possessed wreaked havoc before they were forcefully taken down by whole groups of Adventurers and soldiers.

“It is quite possible.” Tiina confirmed. “However if that is the case and it comes to fighting, at least there’s a Dendrae to help.”

Barteool could do nothing but watch and listen. His head filled with images of stories his father told him. Of the mighty Dendrae that enforced nature’s laws and principles on anyone that disturbed the balance. He briefly wondered if the Dendrae would even bother helping them if worse comes to worst.

Then, the Dendrae turned to them. Its eyes swept over their group, before settling on Guild Master Zaanta.

“Please, stand up, Adventurers.” It’s voice rang across the small clearing. Barteool could swear he heard some suppressed emotion, but discarded the thought. The main objective right now was to survive.

The Guild Master was the first one to move. She slowly stood up, still maintaining her subservient stance. Tiina and Ghanna followed suit, and so did he and Virria.

The Dendrae slowly nodded before speaking. “I understand that this situation is not pleasant for you, so allow me to explain. This right here,” the Dendrae pointed one of its roots to the poor Guardian “is one of my apprentices.” Barteool noticed the Guild Master in front of him perked up. “And your friend over here had made a deal with an old benefactor of mine.” The Dendrae pointed to Aragami, who just threw one of the Dendrae’s branches to the side. “He is currently lending his body to my benefactor for a set amount of time to punish my stupid apprentice for a serious mistake he’s made.”

Barteool almost sighed in relief. Aragami was still there. He just made a deal with…something. He didn’t care about the rest.

“Now that I’ve arrived,” the Dendrae continued. “I have volunteered to take over the punishment.” The Dendrae bowed slightly. “I am sorry for any injuries or confusion this matter has caused among you, mortals. Please, accept my sincere apology.”

The Guild Master bowed deeply in reply. With her head to the ground, she went to politely refuse any need for an apology.

“The matter of apology is not my decision. I have violated an ancient agreement which had you all dragged into these events.” The Dendrae shook his crown. “As an apology I have offered myself to… mediate the matters between your group and my benefactor here.” One of the Dendrae’s branches pointed to Aragami. “But I was refused. Since HE would like to talk with you without a mediator to translate HIS will.”

As the Dendrae spoke, Aragami slowly walked over to the group and knelt down to their height.

“HE offers a short term contract to either of the Raakteigs among you, to allow HIM to take over your body and speak to you in your own tongue. It has been a long time since HE interacted with you beyond HIS obligations as a Law.”

That last sentence shook everyone present at their core. A personification of a LAW wished to talk to them. And even went out of its way to talk their language!

“We are honored to be granted an audience with…” Guild Master began, but she was immediately shushed by the Dendrae.

“Do not tell it to me. If you accept the offer, choose one of the Raakteigs to accept the contract.” The Dendrae seemed annoyed now. Guild Master, clearly lost as to what to do now, looked at Batreool for help, but he was as confused as she was.

Virria, on the other hand, stood up and to the shock o…

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