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The original was posted on /r/paymoneywubby by /u/Marikk15 on 2024-10-03 18:47:12+00:00.

Hey chat! Love you, please say it back.

I know that chat loves spouting random shit, so I went through the official TCG Card Shop Simulator Discord and gathered definitive info from the Devs to help clarify some answers to questions Wubby/chat has! I put the TL;DR answer for each question in bold in case you just want to skim, but then I gave explanations, more context, the exact formulas afterwards to those that care!

1. Does using a Display Case provide any direct benefit to your shop?


Right now, it’s literally just for people to show off their good pulls. It does not provide a gameplay benefit to your shop in anyway.

2. Which pack is the best to open for financial gain?

The Most Rare Packs you currently own.

Because Wubby currently only has access to the Regular Packs (Basic, Rare, Epic, Legendary), it is to always open the newest rarity. So because Wubby now has the red Legendary packs, those are the best to open. However, please note that each set of these packs has the same pull rates for “border types”. These rates are:

Per Individual Card Foil Variants
Foil: 5% -
1st Edition: 20% 1st Edition Foil: 1%
Silver Border: 8% Silver Foil: 0.4%
Gold Border: 4% Gold Foil: 0.2%
EX: 1% EX Foil: 0.05%
Full Art: 0.25% Full Art Foil: 0.0125%

However, when Wubby unlocks Destiny Packs, those have increased odds to find Ghost cards. In regular packs, the odd are 0.1%. For Destiny Packs, the odds are doubled to 0.2%. None of the other special card pull rates are affected.

3. Which pack is the best to open for EXP gain?


The formula for EXP when opening packs is based on the border types pulled from the pack. As we discussed in the previous question, all cards have the same border type rates. So for EXP gain, it’s best to buy the cheapest packs, which are Basics, and open them as many as you can.

Formula for EXP gain: ((borderType + 1) * (borderType + 1) / 2)

Border Type Values: Base = 0 First Edition = 1 Silver = 2 Gold = 3 EX = 4 Full Art = 5

4. What affects my Max Customer Count?

The number of shop expansions, Shop Level, and number of sittings customers. This number is capped to 28 customers at a time max.

Full Formula: Max Customer Count = 1 + (Shop Expansions Unlocked × 1.25) + Shop Level + (Half of sitting down customers)

5. What do I do to customers just sitting at a table at 9pm?

A. Either let them sit and play (if you leave the store “open,” even though its 9pm, they will continue to be charged for their time sitting there and so you will gain some money/exp when you end the day.

B. Walk up to them and press Q on the table in front of them (hitbox for this is finicky.) This will force them to stand up. Many times, they will walk around and purchase more items from the store.

I personally prefer B, since I don’t wait to wait around to get a little extra table cash. If I force them to stand up, if they buy something, I’m likely to earn way more profit.

6. Does purchasing the Shop Lot B expansion give me a whole second store to manage?

It opens the black door next to your register. This area can be used to sell more product, or just as stock management. NOTE: This will nearly double your rent.

When you purchase this area, there will be a side door that customers can use to enter this expansion area. You can close this door independently, so you can close Lot B and make all customers have to go through you main Lot A. Personally, I just have my stock shelves / workbench there and keep Lot A as the main store. However, if you want, you can purchase another checkout counter and make Lot B a second mini store.

7. Does expanding my shop give my customers more money to shop?


There is a maximum amount that the customer can carry at any given point during the game. The formula is as follows:

(100+(Number of Main Room Expansions x 250)+(If Lot B Unlocked, 500)+(Lot B Room Expansions*400)+(Shop level x 100)).

0.3% chance it can carry up to 4x the result from the formula 5% chance it can carry up to 2x the result from the formula

8. How often does the autosave actually save?

The autosave saves at the end of each day.

This means if you get a massive pull during the day, it’s best practice to perform a manual save in case the game crashed. Remember, this game is still in early access, so crashes / bugs happen, so be sure to save your work and don’t put all your eggs in that autosave basket!

9. Is it worth upgrading the Auto Scent M100 (Tier 1) machines?

Not to the Auto Scent G500 (Tier 2), but eventually to the Auto Scent T1000 (Tier 3), yes.*

Both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 auto scent machines take two sprays to clean a smelly person, but the Tier 3 cleans them in one spray. The Tier 2 just holds four scent cans instead of two, which isn’t really worth it. So its best to stick with two Tier 1s until way down the line, then you can sell them and downsize to one Tier 3 auto scent.

10. How does electricity work in the game?*

A. Having lights on after 9pm DOES increase your electricity bill.

B. Having the game paused STILL adds to your electric bill. This has been submitted as a bug report, so we will see if it is intentional. So best to turn off the lights if you need to pause / AFK.

11. Does having dissatisfied customers hurt my store? What makes them dissatisfied?

As of the current version of the game, 0.42, there is 0 impact on your store for having dissatisfied customers.

Customer can become dissatisfied if: they want to sit down to play and there was no room, they didn’t find what they wanted to buy, the prices were too high so they couldn’t afford what they wanted, or left because the place was too smelly. It’s possible that in later updates (for example, on the roadmap they have discussed a difficulty setting) this will have an impact on the store. But for now it doesn’t.

12. Does this game support Crowd Control?

**Yes, there is a Crowd Control Feature here: **

I think the options on it are a little wild for his main Save Slot, but I think it could be interesting to save his current shop onto the Second Save File, use Crowd Control, and see if his shop performs better or worse with it on.