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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Fast1r1s on 2023-08-05 19:53:57.
I created a post 2 years ago about my 2020 Baby Roshan not being shipped. The status on the cmdvault website is still like this
Every 7-8 months they ask me to “update” my shipping address (even tho I only confirm it). All aegises have succesfully shipped to the same address with no issues. I have reached out to their support multiple times, but every time the answer is a variation of “We are working on it, wait!”.
Now that the Baby Roshans were discontinued last year and the battle pass itself was discontinued this year I am not sure if they even plan on ever shipping it. Is there anyone other than their support I can reach out to? The only reason I bought levels for lvl 2000 is to get the Roshan, it will really suck if after 3 years of waiting they just scrap the concept (I assume the website will go if the battle pass replacement doesnt include any collectibles) and I am just left shit out of luck.