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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/VolarRecords on 2024-10-09 10:23:59+00:00.

The news today of journalist Michael Shellenberger’s revelation of a new whistleblower’s claim about ‘Immaculate Constellation’ as a USAP created in 2017 regarding UAP identification and crash-retrieval is something we’re all digging through here.

Seems like the ball got rolling when Lester Nare of UAP Caucus picked up on it:

Here’s Shellenberger’s Substack article about it:

Pentagon Is Illegally Hiding Secret UFO Program From Congress, Whistleblowers Allege

New government whistleblower reveals, for the first time, the name of the Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs)

Michael Shellenberger

Oct 08, 2024

Please chip in to Shellenberger if you can. This is what journalism looks like now, person-to-person support. Frankly, this is what the world looks like now.

If you want to further break your brain, you can check out the 177-page Shellenberger documents highlighting the history of UFO/UAP crash-retrievals.

Here’s the full non-paywall text thanks to u/computer_d:

I hope everyone appreciates this. I went and subbed to see the article. $20USD ugh.

e: I appreciate the messages, thank you!

The new UAP whistleblower claims that the US military and IC database includes videos and images taken using “Infrared (IR), Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR), Full Motion Video (FMV), and Still Photography.” The government whistleblower made their claims in a report provided to authorized Committees of Congress and their staff.

The whistleblower alleges that the DOD created the USAP, called “Immaculate Constellation,” in 2017 after the New York Times published an article describing an informal Pentagon UAP program called “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program,” or AATIP.

The report shared with Congress says, “IMMACULATE CONSTELLATION serves as a central or ‘parent’ USAP that consolidates observations” of UAPs and “by both tasked and untasked collection platforms.”

The whistleblower’s report includes seven categories of evidence. It describes in detail various UAP sightings collected by technical assets and US military personnel. “The multitude of wavelengths collected by these sensors,” the report says, “have captured UAP characteristics that are difficult or impossible to observe with the human eye alone. Subtle atmospheric effects associated with UAPs are also visible through the sensors employed by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies.

“The verifiable chain of custody for UAP IMINT [-quality Imagery Intelligence] collected by U.S. military assets,” the person wrote, “ensures a high level of confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the data gathered.”

The report concludes that “the existence of IMMACULATE CONSTELLATION demonstrates the extant capability to detect, quarantine, and transfer UAP and ARV [Alien Reproduction Vehicle] collection incidents before they are observed and circulated within the Military Intelligence Enterprise, thus serving as a means of enforcing internal information security.”

A former IC official confirmed to Public the existence of Immaculate Constellation, “That program is run out of SEC DEF [Office of the Secretary of Defense],” the person said. “They don’t want to acknowledge it’s real.”

The same person warned that simply printing the name “Immaculate Constellation” could trigger government surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of whoever publishes it. “They won’t comment on it, but talking about it will put you in the danger zone. They enforce the secrecy with a lot of vigor.”

The whistleblower’s report said that “A significant volume of intelligence reports documenting first-hand encounters with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) or Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) by DOD personnel exists within defense HUMINT [Human Intelligence] databases accessible to the Intelligence Community.”

Immaculate Constellation ”includes high-quality Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) and Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) of UAPs,” the whistleblower’s report adds. “The sources of this intelligence are a blend of directed and incidental collection capabilities positioned in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), the upper atmosphere, as well as military and civilian aviation altitudes and maritime environments.”

The report to Congress describes in detail various UAPs. “From 1991 to 2022, the most common UAP shapes reported in this USG dataset were spheres/orbs, discs/saucers, ovals/tic-tacs, triangles, boomerang/arrowhead, and irregular/organic.”

The report describes various incidents found in the HUMINT databases.

One involved orbs surrounding and forcing an F-22 out of its patrol area. “The F-22 broke trajectory and attempted to evade but was intercepted and boxed in by approximately 3-6 UAPs,” according to the report.

“One UAP maneuvered in proximity (>12 meters) to the area directly starboard of the cockpit; there the UAP established a rigid spatial relationship with the F-22, maintaining its exact position and orientation parallel with the F-22’s cockpit despite multiple evasive rolls and maneuvers. Surrounded by the presumed hostile UAPs, the F-22 was forced out of the mission area under the escort of the UAP formation.”

In another incident, the crew of a Navy aircraft carrier watched a “small orange-red sphere” rapidly descend from a high altitude to 100-200 yards directly above the flight deck of the CVN [aircraft carrier].

“The UAPs appeared to emit a soft orange-red light which, bizarrely, did not illuminate the ocean or the flight deck of the CVN despite the visual appearance of intense luminosity. The surface of the UAP was observed to be dynamic, ‘roiling like the surface of the sun.’”

UAP Disinformation and Disclosure

Reps. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., and James Comer, R-Ky., attend the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs hearing titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency,” in Rayburn Building on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

The Pentagon has changed the names of its UAP investigations. From 2009 to 2017, the Pentagon had a program called Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) to investigate UAP reports. After funding ran out, the informal program, AATIP continued in its wake. From 2017 to 2022, the Pentagon called its study of UAPs the “U.A.P. Task Force.” Starting in 2022, by order of Congress, the Pentagon has had the public-facing program AARO to study reports of UAP and release information to the public.

One possibility is that AARO’s work is a continuation of the US government’s UAP public relations, not its UAP investigations, since 1953, when the CIA’s Robertson Panel recommended a strategy of using experts to dismiss and ridicule UAP witnesses and government whistleblowers.

A declassified 1971 Australian government memo about UAPs claims that the CIA urged the debunking of UFO sightings as cover of its efforts to develop craft powered by anti-gravity.

The CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) wrote an Australian military officer, “acting through the Robertson-panel meeting of mid-January 1953, persuaded the USAF [US Air Force] to use Project BLUE BOOK as a means of publicly ‘debunking’ UFO’s, and at a later stage to allocate funds for the Avro advanced ‘saucer’ aircraft and the launching of crash programme into anti-gravity power.”

The memo describes the CIA’s strategy to discredit UAP witnesses and whistleblowers. “By erecting a facade of ridicule, the U.S. hoped to allay public alarm, reduce the possibility of the Soviet taking advantage of UFO mass sightings for either psychological or actual warfare purposes, and act as a cover for the real U.S… programme of developing vehicles that emulate UFO performances.”

Other documents support this picture of the US government disinformation. Brigadier General Carroll H. Bolender signed a 1969 memo stating that the Air Force had withheld UAP sightings from the Air Force’s UAP research program, Project Blue Book, and that it had continued to track UAPs afterward.

AARO’s former head, Sean Kirkpatrick, has disparaged UAP whistleblowers and speculated that a “Tic Tac”-shaped UAP that four Navy pilots in 2004 reported …

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