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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/brightsun222 on 2023-08-06 10:17:13.

My F(16) parents are divorced, my dad remarried 8 years ago and has a 6 year old daughter and 3 year old son with “Mia”. We never got along as I’ve grown up things have changed but she’s always felt threatened by me. My dad has changed a lot since Mia and turned his back on me more than ever. I have a chronic illness and I’m admitted often. Mia has made sure my dad doesn’t visit me when I’m in the hospital weeks at time. I give up on him being super present and get he has his kids to worry about now. I have a mom who’s beyond wonderful and while I still love him I don’t need him as much as I did growing up. Recently tho we’ve been ok. I visit here and there and love being around my siblings and step siblings, M(15) and F(12).

My dad planned a trip for them to go to the beach. My dad insisted I go and spend some quality time with them. I said fine since things have been better and got pretty excited. I get a text from my dad with the details of the flight for them… he said to book my ticket quick since the seats were filling up and to try and get a window seat since he knew I loved them. I have a part time job and have money saved but I refused to pay. I texted back acting stupid saying just pick any seat I’m not picky. He said “no I’m sorry sweetie I wasn’t clear can you cover your plane ticket”. I showed my mom and she was pissed and called him asking why he can’t pay for me. He said I’m old enough to pay for it and he had enough to pay for since he was paying for everyone else. This man has money so that’s not the issue, money I don’t see but he has it a lot of it. They argued for a long time and he said since I’m more her daughter than his she could pay for it he has 4 kids and his dog of a wife he’s paying for. His step son has a job too so I was confused why I had to pay but he didn’t. Prior to this he told me to pack some extra cash for anything I’d want to eat or shop for that I understand. After they talked he called me and said it’s not him being mean he just has so much on his plate.

The other night Mia asked if I got my ticket yet and I said no I’m not going. She fakely asked why not and I said I can’t afford it and made a comment about not being as lucky as others to have a sugar daddy to pay for my shit. She told me to watch myself and be lucky I was even invited and get to stay with them in the Airbnb dad rented (6 bed house). She ttold me to not be an ah to my dad and just ask my mom to pay for it. She clearly didn’t want me there but quickly changed her tone and said my little siblings would love me there and her and my dad could have some time to go out a couple nights since I’m the most responsible “you’d be a big help”. I called her a bitch and told her I wasn’t going to be her free babysitter but that was a good joke. She cried to my dad now he’s pissed and told me just not come since I’m making shit more dramatic and complicated.