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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Academic_Ad8696 on 2023-08-06 13:00:37.

Today a buddy of mine(24m) and another buddy of mine(24M) had a get together of about 15 people(25 including +1s). My wife and I have a 2mo son. Prior to going to this get together we brought I bottle worth and one diaper and the agreement that I would take care of our son all night so she could sleep REALLY good. (we live 1 house down) with the intent of making an appearance hanging out, grabbing something to eat and leaving. The food wasn’t done for probably about an hour after we showed up(smoked ribs weren’t quite done) after about 3hrs of me cutting and talking with people I work with the baby started fussing. My wife said he was probably hungry and that she was going to go to the house and feed him and she would see me there and to make sure I ate. I asked her if she wanted me to bring her a plate, and she said no. I brought her a plate of what food was left(because if I didn’t she would’ve been upset) this whole time I had 1 mixed drink 2 beers and 2 shots. The time between she left and the time that I walked home was about 30mins.

After coming home she refused to let me take our son so she could do whatever it is she wanted to do because she said that I was too drunk to care for our son all night. I admit I was on the tipsy side, but was far from drunk.

She was mad that I came home later than her, and told me to go away. That she didn’t want to be around me.

So I did exactly that. I went into the garage and continued building and finishing the clothes rack for our son. Then the neighbors invited me to play darts in the garage(we only played 2 games and we share an adjoining garage wall)

My wife said she was locking the house up for the night so she could sleep, I told her I was in the garage and to not lock the garage door.

She locked the house completely even though I said not to. Only after an hour of questioning why she locked the garage door and why she was REALLY upset with me did she come unlock the door.

AITA for doing exactly what she said by leaving her alone?

Edit: we came home about 730-8 she wasn’t intending on going to bed prior to 10pm. So she didn’t expect me to take care of the baby alone until at least after 10pm

Edit 2: normally the agreement is I take care of the baby from 10pm-3am and she covers 330am-730-8am. I was offering to care for the baby the entirety of the night(which meant I slept zero hours because I sleep so heavily I don’t hear the baby when he wakes up)