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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/CrazyCatLady827 on 2023-08-06 18:05:48.

I (31F) have a friend we will call Emma (late 20s F). Emma is single with no kids and grew up very sheltered and even though it’s 2023, believes in hardcore gender roles and that the main reason for marriage is to procreate.

Well here’s where it gets crazy. I met her for lunch because we hadn’t seen each other because I’ve been busy trying to arrange my affairs for my daughter (4F) and husband (32M) because I am having surgery to get my tubes removed. I had really bad postpartum psychosis after having my daughter so i am responsible enough to realize that having another kiddo isn’t an option because of my mental health.

During our lunch, i was explaining to her that i was nervous about having surgery. She then proceeded to go on about how she is still my friend, but she thinks I am wrong for having this surgery and I am letting down my husband and daughter for not having anymore children. I laid out my boundaries and told her that this wasn’t up for debate and it was my decision how many kiddos I wanted and that my mental health could only handle one kiddo because I’d rather my little girl have her mother all there instead of a sibling and a mom who wasn’t all there. She then proceeded to say “If I had a husband, I could never do that to him. My faith (she’s Catholic) wouldn’t allow it.” I then proceeded to ask our waiter for separate checks, paid my bill, told her to have a good rest of her day and came home.

My husband saw I was very flustered and he said he agrees with me being angry. Emma thinks I was rude as hell for not staying longer even though I clearly laid out my boundaries and she is fully aware that my postpartum experience was less than ideal.

So Reddit, AITA?