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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/OGGruntComm on 2024-10-17 14:47:50+00:00.

Hello everyone! This is my second Stand-Alone story. This one focuses a bit on ground combat. I could have added more, but I wanted to keep it shorter. Let me know if you like it!

PS: This has ties to my main series but you don’t need to read the series to understand this one!


“ GET TO THAT FUCKING GUN!!” The Voice ripped through the serenity of his unconscious state and brought him back to his actual reality. The Man slowly opened his eyes, lifting his right hand to wipe the soot and thick liquid caking them.

A few coughs erupted from his body as he quickly shifted his body over to release bile onto the ashed ground beneath him. His aching body greeted him as he moved each muscle. Slowly, his eyes shifted from a dazed state into clarity along with his ears. He initially heard the scream of a man with a comforting voice trying to shush him. 

There were people armed with lackluster kits that seemed to be something they had found in a surplus store, running past him as streaks of hot light passed him. One man that just crested the small crater he found himself in was hit by one of those beams, which instantly pierced his body and cauterized the wound, then another…and another until he fell dead.

Explosions came into view now, along with the noise, the warm pulse of the shockwave rocking him around as he struggled to stand back up. His right side burned and sizzled, which brought his sense of smell back into reality as well. 

He Smelled ash, gunpowder, and death.

He looked down at his feet and saw a resting rifle. He focused on the gun for a while, and his thoughts flooded his dimmed mind. Then the words “Get to that fucking gun” started to take priority. In a sudden burst of clarity, he remembered his duty and grabbed the pistol grip of his Rifle. Bringing it to his chest introduced a intense headache, His left had lifted to his temple to rub it and then went back down to the handguard. 

He shook his head and refocused on the objective: Get to the Cannon, Activate it, Destroy their command, Kill the rest.

He took a deep breath and slightly pulled on the charging handle of his rifle, looking at the chambe he’d see the casing of the 6.5 mm Penetrator round. Releasing the charging handle brought the bolt back into battery.

His legs shot his body up the dirt mound and over it. The Grand Battlefield was in full effect in front of him. Plasma and tracers filled the air all around him. Explosions erupted in random portions of the field mixed with pPlasmaand just fragmentation. A nonstop meteor shower swept the night sky as the battlefield had no ceiling.

This Battle was EVERYTHING that Humanity had left at its disposal. Literal piles of bodies littered the streets as Men, Women, and teens committed themselves to the last desperate attempt at humanity’s future. 

He lifted his rifle to his shoulder and ran forward towards a tipped-over burned sedan. Plasma fire hitting the frame and melting it with each impact. He quickly lowered himself into a crouched position and peered to the right. 

He lined up a Thraxian Soldier with his LPVO sight. Pressing the trigger, he released a small burst into the Thraxian’s frontal plating. It immediately slumped forward, and before the other hand had a chance to engage, it was met with the same fate.

After the two ahead of him were killed, he yelled out to his surrounding peers:” I’m MOVING!!!” A very young voice would respond to him from just behind. “ I’LL COVER YOU!!”

He quickly cut around the tipped sedan and sprinted forward towards railing. Grabbing the railing with his left hand, he’d vault over and slam his damaged side against a fallen tree. Wincing in pain and met with another painful reminder of his seering headache, he’d refocus.

Two others were on the tree, and they were firing over it towards the wave of Thraxians guarding the outside of the massive Plasma cannon sitting in the center of Manhattan’s Central Park.

He’d lift his head up to look at the large barrier protecting the cannon. Each round shot at it was easily deflected or crushed. Though he also noticed debri like rock, stone or branches easily slipped through the blue shielding as if nothing was there.

“ Nothing we are doing is getting through that fucking barrier!” A grey bearded man said after racking a new round into his rifle. 

“ A fucking hellfire didn’t even pen!” Responded another man that continued to fire, killing a thraxian attempting to push closer to their cover.

As he thought to himself he’d notice a singular blur moving quickly down the same street he had come from. As he looked up he noticed a women with nothing but her clothes, a backpack and very long metal….Javelin? 

He also noticed that her run had a very open gate, something he was familiar with. He had seen her before. Before the invasion, she represented America in the Olympics.

He watched in awe as she continued to sprint forward towards him, People around her were quickly spurred by the moment and followed behind and pushed infront of her, using their bodies to shield her from the plasma rounds. Soon he realized what was happening and quickly yelled.“PROTECT HER!!” His voice yelled in desperation, the other two looking back to see her and quickly turning to absolutely mag dump into the defending thraxians.

As the Women approached her running gate got larger and larger, PPlasmasprinkled all around her as people fell shielding her from the oncoming onslaught. 

Once she looked to be doing small leaps, she put her absolute all into throwing that long sharpened metal pole. Her scream resounded throughout the battlefield as she quickly fell to plasma fire.

The Javelin soared through the air carrying with it the hope of humanity. Majority of the people fighting just stopped and watched as it passed through the blue barrier and sunk itself through a Thraxian Officer and directly into the generator he was standing next to causing it to erupt and explode in a 100 meter radius, easily killing and destroying everything within. 

The Barrier instantly disappeared which caused the Thraxian Soldiers to seem confused and more importantly…Scared.

He’d slowly stand up and raise his fist up followed by yelling: “ GET TO THAT FUCKING GUN!!!”