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Chapter 76

I was relieved. This man wasn’t an idiot who simply let me leave without first finding out what I had done.

“If you would demand these back, then I would not hesitate to order everyone to fight and kill. If I were give that order, then at the beginning of a new day, there would be nobody but us alive in this city.”

The man was shocked by my statement.

“Are you claiming you are stronger than us?”

“Soldier, listen carefully. Where I come from, I was once someone of high importance, but not anymore. I am what you would call, a disgraced Baron. No, a fallen Baron.”

I rubbed the place on my head where the horn was split. I did it in silence but continued with my talk shortly after.

“I was once someone who could influence the swarm and offer my love to my queen and all her children, but not anymore. I have lost the blessing of the swarm and am now barely more than a strong fighter. Unlike my companions here, if I die, I won’t be blessed by the queen with a new body. I will never again feel the love from her, and when my last moment in this life arrives, my soul will get sent into the endless void and tormented by the creators into all eternity. I am but a disposable tool. But not them!”

I stretched my arms towards my girls.

“They are still loved by the queen. They will be blessed with new bodies if you manage to kill even one of them. All thanks to the grace and love of our queen. They will not stop coming. They will always come back to hunt you all down. And no matter how much you run, no matter where you hide, no matter what tools you use, in the end, they will take your life and the lives of everyone in this city. Is this what you wish for, soldier?”

The man was taken aback. He did not seem to understand what I was saying, but I hoped he would somehow respond. I had to finish my speech after all.

“Are you threatening us, servant?”

Perfect setup for me now. Thank you.

I simply yelled at him, almost fuming out of my mouth.

"When you forced the prince consort to come to this world, you put him in chains, you cut into his flesh, you forced him to fight against something that you call monsters. And then you burned him to death. He used that moment to flee, take that torturous device you call the scepter of heroes with him and escaped successfully.

All those painful memories have been shared with the swarm. We will not forget. We will not forgive. And after observing you kind for all that time, we will not save you from your self-inflicted demise.

Your kind is vile and repugnant, your barbaric behaviors are repulsive, and your folk has no redeemable quality that could be its saving grace.

So continue wasting away. We will make your death as comfortable as possible by devouring those you call monsters, just like we have been doing all this time. But if you go beyond the construction that you call the wall, if you wander outside the domain that is yours even for a brief moment, we will go after all of you! Your kind will be hunted down by us. We won’t take prisoners, we will not show mercy, and we will not allow for survivors."

I wiped my mouth off, and then I looked at the soldier.

“You asked me if I was threatening you, no, I am not. I am stating the inevitable future of your kind. So live, go to your beloved and shower them with love, because the moment the prince consort decides that his pardon towards you was misplaced, that day will be the last day of all of you.”

And with that, I spread my wings out and flew away, immediately followed by my girls. Outside the city, we disappeared into nothingness and regrouped inside my dungeon.

It had worked better than what I thought it would. I had passed the message to them and warned them not to leave their domain. Maybe they would figure out that I was the cause for the environment they were living in

I knew I threatened them quite a bit, but I really didn’t want to deal with those idiots. I had more to do than be constantly on the lookout for the mages in these areas.

I had now my sweet, delicious crystals in my hands, and that was the major goal in this expedition. Now, I just needed to leave these fools behind, and I would enjoy myself some good time.

I swallowed the first crystal, shortly followed by the second, and smiled. I had now three out of four needed for my next evolution. One more, and I would get my next summon unlocked. I could barely wait for it to happen.

But once all the excitement wore off, regret started to show its ugly head. I realized what incredible stupidity I had done.

I had announced that I was still alive, and I declared war against them. I knew I was relatively safe because I was physically stronger than them, but that was it. A bad spell from them and all my bravado from before would go up in puff of smoke.

What was I thinking back then?

This was my usual self. During my time here, I managed to properly suppress it, but now it had come out and put myself in a stupid, avoidable danger.

What was wrong with me? Was my ego really this big that it needed a sacrifice every so often?

Back on earth, it had already landed me more times than not in hot waters with a few other people, and I had learned to control it pretty well, but apparently, it had resurfaced again.

But there was no crying about spilled milk. I had to accept what i had done and try to handle as well as I could the consequences.

I instructed the girls to go back to their duties and used one of them to teleport me out of my dungeon. Most of us had disappeared in a small field not too far away from the city. There was no way possible that that particular place wasn’t crowded with hundreds, if not thousands of armed soldiers, right now. So I needed one with a different exit point than most of them.

Once outside, I put my feet back to work and ran in the direction of the wall, intending to flee the humans once and for all.

I hoped to never again meet these people and to finally enjoy my life far away from them, but as it turned out, that did not happen.

But that is a story for later.

A few weeks later, I flew unnoticed over the wall again, ready to obtain my next boost.

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