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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/caspian324 on 2023-08-06 22:19:23.

So me and my husband went to the movies for this big action release, he’d really been looking forward to this movie so I bought us tickets online in advance exactly where he likes to sit.

When we got to the theater it was crowded and the first trailer had started but as we scanned the sea of people we realized the seats we reserved were full. Right in the middle, half way up, our seats were occupied by a young woman and man with an under one year old baby in their arms.

We tried looking for other seats but the only ones available were right up on the screen and my least favorite spot to sit. My husband moved to speak with the couple but when asked to move so we could sit in the seats we paid for, the woman got loud and told us to sit somewhere else, they’d paid for their tickets just like us and got there early to get good seats. To say I was irate is an understatement. I showed her my phone screen which clearly showed she was sitting in our seats and she shrugged her shoulders and told us to make her move. At this point we were making a scene and upsetting the other movie goers.

Telling my husband I’d be right back, I went and got an attendant, claiming I needed his help finding our seats. When he came to our section he asked the man and woman to move as the seats they were in had been reserved by us and their seats, according to the tickets they showed him to prove they did buy tickets, were at the front of the theater. The woman huffed, but packed up her kids stuff and they moved to their seats.

We got some side eye and ugly mumbles about making a baby move (it was a freaking rated R movie 😒🙄), but ultimately enjoyed the movie. My husband asked me later if I felt I had went over board, if we should have just bought new tickets for another time. I told him no, the whole point of buying the tickets online was to get decent seats without having to be there super early. He feels making a family with a young child move.

Am I the as*hole?