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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/islaisla321 on 2023-08-07 08:23:51.

My husband and I have, both 33, have been together since college. Over the years, he’s had quite the career trajectory. He’s a quant PM and makes like 10x what I make (and I make a good salary haha!). As we’ve grown wealthier, I’ve learned that people become nosier. Friends, acquaintances, relatives, you name it. In the beginning I would entertain the nosy questions, but since I turned 30, I’ve adopted a “take no shit” attitude. When people ask me how much he makes, I no longer say anything. I’ve learned the hard way that giving an exact number can have bad consequences.

My co-worker, 25, is new and she already has quite the reputation. Very chatty, catty, gossipy, you get the gist. You can just tell she craves wealth and status. She wears a bunch of flashy designer items and is always asking the ladies around the office which of the men are single.

Last Friday, our office hosted an afternoon happy hour. She approached me and asked how me and my husband’s recent vacation to Europe went. I told her it went well and briefly summarized what we did. Then the conversation went something like this:

Her: “So what does your husband do?”

Me: “He works in finance.”

Her: “Oh wow, he must make a ton then to be taking you on all these lavish vacations! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how much does he make in a year??”

Me: “Yes, we’re very lucky that he makes a good salary.” Polite smile

Her: “Oh c’monnn I won’t tell anyone. How much does he rake in a year? Millions??”

Me: Awkward chuckle “I’d rather not say, but it’s up there!”

Her: “What, he doesn’t allow you to give an exact number or something??”

Me: Visibly annoyed “No, I just prefer not to say.”

Her: Laughs in my face “You’d think the stuck-up one would be the one with money, not the one without!”

Me: “You should learn how to take ‘no’ for an answer and when to quit being a nosy bitch. It’s a valuable lesson.”

Then I smiled at her and walked away. Later on, I had a few co-workers reach out to me and say that she was crying and left early and that I should apologize for calling her a rude name. I refused. I told my mom and she said I was too rude to the new girl and that she’s young and might not fully understand “salary talk”. I think she’s old enough. Husband is fully on my side but said maybe I should fake apologize for the sake of office politics, which I somewhat agree with. But still, AITA?