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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/LucyAriaRose on 2024-10-28 04:00:38+00:00.

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/Quirky_Background838. She posted in r/AITAH.

Do NOT comment on Original Posts. Latest update is 7 days old per the rules of this sub. This has not been posted here before. PLEASE read trigger warnings and mood spoiler- this is a heavy one.

Trigger Warning: Huntington’s Disease; imminent death;

Mood Spoiler: genuinely fucking sad

Original Post: October 17, 2024

I (28F) recently found out I have a serious hereditary illness that’s going to screw up my life, and I am so mad I can barely type this out. It’s a degenerative illness, no cure, nothing. My body’s just gonna slowly get worse. And the kicker? My parents have known this could happen my whole life and never said a damn word.

This illness runs in my family. My dad’s mom had it. His sister—my aunt—died from it a few years ago. I was living overseas when she passed, and my parents told me it was cancer. Cancer. They lied right to my face. It wasn’t until I got diagnosed that they finally came clean and admitted she had the same illness I do. When I confronted them, my dad wouldn’t even give me a straight answer. I asked if he had it too, and he dodged every single question, acting like I was overreacting.

My mom, on the other hand, tried to justify it by saying they didn’t want me “living in fear.” Are you kidding me? I could have been prepared! Instead, they chose to let me walk into this blind. And here’s where it gets worse—I have a 2-year-old son. My child might have this, and they never told me I was at risk. I could’ve had him tested, made informed decisions, anything. But no, they took that from me, and now I live in constant fear for him too.

Then my mom had the nerve to ask me if I would have rather not been born than deal with this. Can you believe that? She turned it around on me, like I’m the monster for even thinking it. And you know what? Yes, I said it. Yes, I would rather not have been born than deal with this disease. They made a selfish choice, and now I’m paying for it. They knew the risks and did it anyway, for themselves. They wanted kids, and now I’m stuck with this. I called them selfish, and I meant every word.

Now, they’re begging me not to tell my younger siblings. They don’t know about this yet, haven’t been tested, and my parents want to keep it that way. They’re hoping they’ll get lucky, but I’m not going to lie to them. I refuse to let them be blindsided like I was. They deserve to know the truth.

I’ve gone low contact with my parents. I can’t stand to even think about them right now. My mom keeps trying to guilt-trip me, saying they were “just trying to protect me.” Protect me from what? The truth? No, they weren’t protecting me. They were protecting themselves, from the guilt of knowing they passed this on, and now they want me to protect them too. But I won’t. I love my son and my siblings too much to lie to them.

AITA for going LC and refusing to keep their secret, even though they claim they were just trying to “protect” me?

Some of OOP’s Comments:

To a removed comment:

They saw me going through pregnancy, I told them before the 12 week mark. They said nothing…NOTHING!

OOP clarifies:

I would have not had kids if i knew.

OOP’s husband:

My husband obviously knows

Commenter (downvoted): Respectfully, I think you may be lashing out at your parents a bit more than normal because you’re angry about the disease. It’s called transference.

It’s logical to be angry at being deceived. I just think there may be a bit more to your anger - mixing angry at the news and the grieving for yourself and your son as well.

I highly recommend therapy to process all of this.

OOP: No. They made me knowing I had 50 percent chance to die painfully AND DIDNT FUCKING TELL ME WHEN I WAS PREGNANT DOOMING MY FUCKING CHILD TO THE SAME FATE. Disrespectfully, I think you may be talking out of your ass.

Update (same post): October 18, 2024 (Next Day)

Edit: most of you figured it out anyway. It is Huntingtons.

Update: I ended up telling my siblings. We met at my sister’s house, and I just came out with it: “I have Huntingtons. It’s hereditary. You should both get checked.” My brother started panicking he and his fiancée just started trying to get pregnant, and now he’s terrified. He’s furious with our parents and fully on my side. He confronted them right after, and now we’re both going low contact. My sister was more shocked and distant, but she said she’ll get tested.

My parents are pissed that I told them without waiting for “the right time,” but I don’t regret it. My siblings deserved the truth, and I wasn’t going to let them live in ignorance like I did.

OOP comments on the Huntington’s subreddit where her post was crossposted:

Commenter: I noticed this as well. The original OOP said she is already “diagnosed“ with HD at age 28, but nothing about her dad even showing symptoms. And her grandmother and aunt both died of it, but she never knew they had it or noticed symptoms in them as they declined? That seems unusual.

OOP: Hi I am the OP. He is. They are just saying that it’s because of old injuries and other unrelated things. I know he has it because I have it. But he won’t admit it

Update Post: October 21, 2024 (4 days from OG post)

I told my siblings

We met at my sister’s house, and I just came out with it. I told them what i had and said that it was heredetary.

My sister thanked me for telling her. Told me she would get tested but seemed distant. I get i, it is very heavy. So I have been giving her space but made it clear that I am there for her.

My brother looked horrified. He and his fiancée had just started trying for a baby, and the fear in his eyes was immediate. His fiancée, who works as a senior nurse in palliative care, didn’t take it lightly either. She deals with degenerative diseases every day and had a family member die from one, so this news hit her hard.

She immediately took control of the situation. She has a lot of connections in the medical field because of her work, and she’s been pulling strings to get my brother’s test done as fast as possible. She’s also been making sure I get the care I need, reaching out to specialists she knows personally. She’s actually moving things around and calling in favors to ensure I’m seen quickly.

On top of that, she’s been adamant that I need to see a counselor, pushing me to get emotional support. Given her experience, she knows how hard this is going to be, and I’m grateful she’s making it happen, because I wouldn’t know where to begin.

My husband and I have also been having difficult conversations about the future. We’ve decided to make my will, and I’ve been clear with him about when I won’t want to continue living if things get too bad. I’ve also started recording videos for my son. I watched P.S. I Love You years ago, and the idea of leaving something behind for my husband and son feels like a way to hold on to a part of me.

We’re planning to speak to a child psychologist soon to figure out the best way to prepare our son for what’s coming, though we haven’t started yet. And also to weigh our option about him and the possibility of him getting this illness from me. We are not going to make an uniformed decission.

On Saturday,our parents invited all of us over to their house, saying they wanted to talk. My sister came too, but she didn’t stay long. As soon as my parents started explaining how they kept the illness hidden to “protect us,” she couldn’t take it. She stood up, said she couldn’t handle it, and left. She’s been distant since, and it feels like I’ve lost her a little. I know she’s terrified, but it still hurts to see her pulling away.

After my sister left, everything exploded. My parents turned on me, blaming me for “ruining the family” and accusing me of causing all this chaos by telling the truth. They kept saying they did it to protect us, but I just couldn’t respond anymore. That’s when my brother’s fiancée stepped in. She completely laid into them, telling them that they had no right to keep something this serious from us. She told them they hadn’t protected us, they had betrayed us, and I was so relieved she stepped in because I didn’t have the energy to argue anymore.

Then my dad snapped. He started shouting at her, telling her to stay out of it, and he shoved me. I couldn’t even react, I was so shocked. My husband immediately stepped between us, grabbed my dad’s arm, and told him he’d better never touch me again. My dad just kept shouting, saying I was the one who was tearing the family apart and blowing everything out of proportion.

That was it. We left. My brother and his fiancée walked out with us, and since then, none of us have spoken to my parents. They’ve been calling, but I don’t want to hear their excuses. …

Content cut off. Read original on

  • @[email protected]M
    25 hours ago

    That was it. We left. My brother and his fiancée walked out with us, and since then, none of us have spoken to my parents. They’ve been calling, but I don’t want to hear their excuses. They’re still insisting they did everything to protect us, but it feels like they were just protecting themselves from guilt. I don’t have the energy for their manipulations anymore.

    Right now, my brother and I are focused on getting tested. His fiancée is doing everything she can to keep things moving forward. She’s been an incredible support, and we’re relying on her to help us navigate what’s next. I’m focusing on my son, my husband, and preparing for the future. There’s too much at stake to keep fighting about a secret that never should have been kept in the first place

    Some of OOP’s Comments:

    Commenter: “Right now, my brother and I are focused on getting tested.” I don’t understand, I thought you were already tested and have huntington’s?

    Has your child been tested yet. I’m so so sorry for what you and your family (minus rotten selfish parents)

    OOP: My brother is getting tested, and I am going to see what my treatment options are and test for those.

    Commenter: OP, please SOMEBODY CHECK ON THE SISTER. Make sure you stay close to her just in case she does something drastic. She might seem closed off but maybe she has the symptoms and scared to get tested and what you said might be the explanation for her.

    OOP: My sister has a long-term partner who is amazing. She is not alone, and her partner and I have talked. That’s why I am giving her her space.

    Commenter: Your parents are not very smart.

    It’s convenient that your brother’s fiancée deals with degenerative diseases.

    OOP: Not mainly. But she sees a lot of them. Even though I think most of her patients are dying of cancer

    Commenter: I would be curious, did your parents literally lie on your medical history forms your whole life to say no diseases run in the family?

    OOP: I honestly don’t know if my father got officially tested. He knows what his mother and sister died from. I have tried getting information out of them like crazy. Every single bit I have was hardly pulled out. Any extra info they have categorically refused to give me/us. As far as I know you can also test anonymously even though I am not sure how that works

    Commenter: I’m so sorry you’re going through all this, your parents are not good and are full of it. As for blaming you for doing what they should have done in the first place, that’s wrong, and you do right to go NC, whether it’s temporary or permanent.

    Your brother’s fiancee, however is a star!

    OOP: She is a strong woman with so much love in her heart.

    Commenter: I’m so sorry for everything you’re going through <3 What prompted you initially to get tested for Huntington’s?

    OOP: Unexplainable symptoms. I got hot potatoed from specialist to specialist till jne of them heavily suggested to test for that.

    To a heavily downvoted comment: [editor’s note- only including this because OOP’s reply spells everything out clearly]

    OOP: Sit down and use your big brain. My grandma: died of Huntingtons My aunt: died of Huntingtons They were aware of that BEFORE I was born as a PLANED non oopsie baby. Theh had me knowing there was a 50 percent chance of me getting sick and painfully dying of Huntingtons. Okay? Alright. I was born. They decided to have 2 more kids. We grew up. All beyond 18 at this point. Quiet. Our aunt died… what was said… cancer. Tragic but that shut happens. I get married. Nothing. I GET FUCKING PEEGNANT…nothing. Now they didn’t only condem THEIR kids to this shit but also MY BABY. Sit down.

    Commenter: I would check your medical history, them not disclosing that, depending how far you want to go with this… could be grounds for taking legal action against your parents. Because you should have been told of this at 18 when you went to a primary care doctor. Them NOT telling you could also be grounds for legal action. I apologize I am not saying your story is ‘off’ its more that this should have been dealt with

    OOP: I actually requested my medical file from my insurance, and I am going to see it. I actually didn’t know this was possible until a couple of days ago.

    Commenter: In addition to the videos you’re making for your kiddo, you might also consider making some “watch when…” or “open when…” milestone videos or letters. That way he gets to continue hearing from and/or seeing you with new significant pieces of his life, in addition to what he sees and learns about you as he grows.

    OOP: Yes I plan on doing those. For big live events and maybe for moments where he is sad or ill or misses me. I really hope I make it long enough for him go properly remember me

    Finally- the symptoms and progression of Huntington’s:


    Clumsiness and tripping. Mild mood swings and irritability. Forgetting simple tasks or objects. Uncontrolled jerky movements. Slurred or slowed speech. Difficulty swallowing and choking. Severe depression or aggressive mood swings. Memory loss and confusion. Loss of independence, needing help for daily tasks. Full-time care due to physical and cognitive decline. Inability to walk, talk, or swallow. Death due to complications, often pneumonia or heart failure.

  • @[email protected]
    27 hours ago

    Atrocious behaviour from the parents. They shouldn’t have had kids at all imo but bare minimum is to get tested first and ensure your children know about it.

    And THREE kids?? From the way OOP wrote about it, it sounds like dad knew his mother had it before having kids himself. That means if he had confirmed the gene in himself, 87.5% chance that at least one of those kids has it. I guess generously if he never tested himself, that means only 43.75% chance of at least one kid having it, but that’s still pretty high for such a shit disease to subject your kids to.

    • @[email protected]M
      15 hours ago

      Looks like you can test in advance nowadays.

      Prenatal Diagnosis is the process of testing a baby while in the pregnant uterus to determine if the baby has inherited Huntington’s disease (HD) or not. This can be done two different ways: CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) is done typically between 10-13 weeks of pregnancy.