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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TheHaHaKid on 2024-10-29 12:22:03+00:00.

So I attended Lue’s live talk yesterday and it was pretty good. The main take aways I would say would be- 1. We’ve been blind to everything going on around us because we lack perspective, theories, tools, etc. 2. The UAP shapes are directly related to the positioning of the engines of the ships. 37 branches of study in 2015 was realized to all be best explained by 1 math formula for warping space time and creating the bubbles. Much was a review of those aspects of the book. He did show one picture for a sighting in Romania of an extremely large craft- not sure if it’s floating around or something he dug up privately - but I hadn’t seen it before. He’s a good speaker, spoke with conviction, very friendly- worth it to see if he’s in your area.