This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/Boogada42 on 2024-10-30 15:01:28+00:00.
- Do not comment on anything other than deals running in late 2024.
- Do not comment looking for deals on certain things. These posts will be removed. Use Google.
- Any end of year/thanksgiving deal posts made outside of this one will be removed, per the subreddit rules.
- All deals must come directly from the manufacturer. Moderators will use this rule at their discretion.
- Deals may not be links to blemished items that are on sale.
- Deals posted in the comments must come with proof (social media link, website link etc.)
- I didn’t think this needed to be said but posts talking about “campmor is ALWAYS on sale!” and “Sierra Trading Post always has great deals and will likely be even more discounted!” are not qualified “deals.”
- I’ll updated the post with the confirmed deals as soon as I can.
- Tarptent - 10% sidewide, with some tents up to 20% and 35% off! November 4-22
- Mountain Laurel Designs - 10% off all orders. CODE: MLDHOLIDAY10 Starts OCT 31 Halloween and runs through NOV 30. | Each order gets an MLD Sticker. | Orders Over $100 get a free gift. Sawyer Squeeze Coupler. | Orders Over $ 200 get a free gift. Sawyer 1L Water Bag. | Orders Over $ 300 get a free gift. Sawyer Picardian Insect Repellant. Orders Over $400 get a free MLD Logo T Shirt. Must State men’s size (S,M, L, XL) equivalent in order comments. | Free gifts as supplies last. | One gift per order.
- Bonfus - 50€ Off tents from October 30th to 3rd of November.
- Nashville Packs - 15% off Made to Order Packs and Straps | Limited Drop of all Black Aluula Graflyte 30/40L packs (limited amounts)| 50% off a random color/fabric Koozie when added to a MTO order. All November
- Vargo Outdoors - Black Friday through Cyber Monday sale - 25% off sitewide (Nov 29 to Dec 2nd) Code: BF2024
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