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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/nmurton12 on 2023-08-07 14:40:10.

My husband’s mother passed away from a long battle with cancer. I do not get along with my SIL and my MIL never accepted me. My husband and I show up to the wake. It was being held at my MIL’s favorite bar. My SIL pulls my husband and I aside to inform us that we will be paying for the entire open bar tab for about 75 people. My husband and I are speechless. We live paycheck to paycheck and would have to put it on a high interest credit card. My SIL brought a lot of home made food to feed the guests, so she felt she had done her part. I suggest that the tab be stopped at $400 and then the guests would have to pay out of pocket. My SIL bulked at this suggestion. This was the first time I had experienced a funeral in the Midwest. I had no idea the family of the deceased fed the mourners who came to the funeral/wake. Where I grew up in California the guests bring food as a way of comforting the family directly affected by the loss. After the wake was over my husband and I spent 2 hours washing all the dishes, while my SIL sat at the bar drinking beer. The final tab plus tip was $1275.00. AITA for not wanting to pay this.