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The original was posted on /r/minecraft by /u/reddith8tor on 2024-11-02 02:06:13+00:00.

My two sons, 8 and 6, are begging to get into Minecraft. They talk about Minecraft all day and have read all the Minecraft books in our library. The strange thing is, I think they have only played it once or twice at a camp.

Anyways, I have no idea what the game is and we don’t have any consoles. I have an old laptop and I have a smart TV. Should I buy a console like a PS5 to play, or even a switch?

I’m also not sure how to make the game safe for them. I have no desire to have them on the internet with strangers. Is the game just as good being played offline?

Thanks in advance.

  • @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    My boys are a bit older. They play Minecraft on a PS4. They create a world and then just play together. I don’t think it is offline but Friends Only. So the game stays private. I think this is a great way of enjoying Minecraft. Like yours they talk constantly about what they have built, what they are going to do next etc. I limit their playtime to 1 hour max per day. They can choose what to play. Other great games on PS4 are Lego World, Lego Star Wars, Rachet and Clank and Little Big Planet. All are local coop except Rachet which they play by taking turns.