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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/BaeBritt on 2023-08-07 12:48:25.

My mom(59) has never been a responsible person at any point in her life. She is abusive, narcissistic, alcoholic and a drug user.

She drove my father away & threw him out on the streets. My sisters both moved out as soon as they turned 18. So I was left alone with my mom.

My childhood was highly abusive & neglectful. My mom would often skip town with her new boyfriends & leave me completely alone at 10 to fend for myself for weeks sometimes months.

She wouldn’t buy clothes,school supplies, toiletries, shoes… nothing. I would have to go to the store and steal the things I desperately needed.

She never took me out of the house anywhere. I’d just go to school & come home. She never asked me how school was or how my grades were she never cared about me or anything I was doing.

I got a boyfriend at 13. his mom heard & saw how neglected I was and took me in. My “mom” didn’t talk to me for 5yrs after I moved out(at 13!!!) She only spook to me once to attend my graduation to keep up appearances.

Fast forward to today. I’m 25.

My two older sisters (42 & 39)refuse to see our childhoods as abusive or neglectful. They say our mom did the best she could….

I’ve often vocalized my disdain toward our mother. Saying “when she dies I don’t think I’ll go to her funeral” “I don’t feel comfortable calling her mom she’s never been a mother to me”

Last month I got a call from one of my sisters our mom had a stroke and can’t feel her legs. Her heavy drinking, drug use alongside her diabetes seems to be catching up with her.

Last week it turned out “Moms” also getting kicked out of her apartment & has no where to go.

I told my sister that if our mom needs somewhere to live she can always go to a homeless shelter. & if she needs a care taker she can call her social worker and have them figure it out.

Today I wake up to a condescending message from the same sisters who’s been in contact with “mom”. She said “Can you call her or try to visit her? She is getting sad and lonely, I’ve gone there a few times already but it can’t just be me.”

This makes my blood boil. I hate my mom! I don’t care that she’s lonely or about to be homeless.

If my sister ever listened to anything I’ve ever said she’d know this. Why is she putting me in this position. I want to tell her off so badly.

She’s not helping take care of mom cause she loves her. It’s cause she feels guilty if she doesn’t. Why is that my problem. On top of all that I live an hour away. The sister whose been dealing with her lives 15min away.

Not to mention during covid I lost my apartment and job. I was living in my car and my whole family knew. No one cared or helped me. They said everyone has to “find there own way”. 😤