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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/WholeBother on 2023-08-07 21:08:45.

I recently started buying peanut butter Clif Bars, which I eat exclusively while working out (I cycle about 300-400 km/week). A few weeks ago, my girlfriend caught wind of this, and she absolutely loves peanut butter. She was asking me if she can have a bar every now and then, and I told her to go ahead, but that I’d also appreciate it if she would replace the ones she eats, since I save them for my workouts.

Since I keep track of how many I eat per workout, I know how many I should have left. While prepping for a 200 km trip yesterday though, I saw that I was completely out of Clif Bars. It was also 5 am, so nothing was open to buy some new ones. I ended up having to cook some last minute rice cakes, which meant I was about an hour late for the start, which kinda threw my entire day’s schedule out of whack.

When I got home, I told my gf that I don’t want her eating my Clif Bars anymore if she doesn’t replace them, and that she should buy her own directly instead. She got defensive and told me that she was planning to replace them, but just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. Today she came by my home office and let me know that she bought me a new box, with a sarcastic “you’re welcome” at the end.

AITA? I thought I was being pretty reasonable in asking that she either replace them or get her own, but I’ve had a few friends and family tell me that I’m overreacting over just energy bars and that it’s not that big of a deal if she eats some of mine.

Tl;Dr: gf eats my energy bars without replacing them. I then told her to stop eating mine and get her own.