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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/justquestionsbud on 2023-08-08 01:23:39.
I’m an ebookdroid refugee - I loved the app, but the developer abandoned it and with a relatively recent Android update, it stopped working. Librera speaks to me the most, of all the readers I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to get a satisfying experience reading with it. In book mode, I can’t seem to get zoomed-in pages that’re also easy to flip through. In scroll mode, I can get the pages exactly the size I want them, but they move around whenever I use my thumb to scroll. I’ve tried reducing the margin size in scroll mode, hoping that would help with that last issue, but no luck. I’d appreciate any advice, my reading habit has been comatose since they pulled the plug on ebookdroid.