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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/phr99 on 2024-11-11 09:14:59+00:00.
Now the reason that’s significant is because Bill Clinton sought and requested information on Roswell and he was told there was nothing in it. We now have Luis Elizondo on the record, now willing this week to give evidence about Roswell under oath before the Congress, saying that Roswell, as he’s told me in interview, was a real crash of an alien spacecraft.
Maybe its not new info that Elizondo has talked about this, but i think if he does make a statement about the reality of Roswell on nov 13 (hopefully including a nice quotable oneliner), then that could be a big headline in the press for the next few days/weeks/years.
And the big difference between Elizondo mentioning this in a podcast, TV interview, or in his book, is that this time it will be under oath.
After that i hope that that 60 minutes invites him over for a part 2.