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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Sad_Being_3868 on 2023-08-08 14:58:19.

My friend let’s call her Polly worked at a women’s only salon with all female stylists that caters to Jewish and Hijabi Muslim women but is open to all women. The doors can only be opened from the inside and there are no windows so men can not see in and see their hair at any time.

Polly often photographs client styles when she’s done. She always covers their faces and the pictures mostly go in to a photo book for other clients to look at that stays in the salon and is never seen by men. Sometimes however she posts certain clients online. Usually clients who don’t have religious hair restrictions. Recently however, she has a Muslim client who got a really cool style and dye job that she’d never seen or done before.

She asked her if she could photograph it when she was done and the client said yes thinking it was just going in the salon photo book. Well, my friend posted one of the photos where you could see absolutely none of her face online. Her client saw it and was distraught because men could see it. My friend argued no one would even know it was her but the client threatened to sue her if she didn’t take it down. Then the client and her friends called the owner and said that they wouldn’t be back as long as my friend was employed there because they no longer felt safe there. So Polly was fired.

Polly told me and another friend (we’ll call Lucy) this at lunch yesterday with a whole woe is me attitude. Then she asked me what I thought about it. I told her honestly that what she did was out of line, that this was a long term client not a new one and Polly knew she was a hijabi and had chosen to ignore her religious beliefs. That she had deserved everything that happened to her. This upset Polly and she yelled that it was a single mistake, called me a judgemental bitch and then stormed out of the restaurant.

Lucy thinks I was too harsh on her, that she didn’t mean to harm anyone and she was just excited about her work and had made a simple mistake that she tried to correct by deleting the pictuere I trust Lucy and now I am wondering if maybe I was the asshole for not taking Pollys side.